In this episode, Pastor J.D. discusses doubts in faith, using Thomas as an example. Doubt can lead to growth, and God's love can surpass our questions. Learn to trust God's unfathomable love and embrace faith despite uncertainties.
Embrace doubt as a stepping stone to deepen faith and boldly seek answers based on God's word.
Learn from Doubting Thomas' journey to overcome doubt and embrace unwavering faith through encountering Jesus post-resurrection.
Deep dives
Embracing Doubt and Pursuing Answers
The episode emphasizes the importance of addressing questions and doubts openly rather than keeping silent out of fear. It encourages boldly pursuing answers based on God's word, stressing that doubts are a natural part of faith. Doubt is portrayed as a stepping stone for deepening faith, with the speaker highlighting how individuals like Thomas navigated doubt to ultimately embrace stronger belief in Jesus.
Thomas: From Doubt to Profound Faith
The story of Doubting Thomas is explored, showing how encountering Jesus transformed Thomas from doubt to unwavering faith. Thomas' initial skepticism and demand for physical proof are contrasted with his eventual declaration of 'my Lord and my God.' Thomas, marked by his doubts in history, is ultimately portrayed as a figure who overcame doubt through a profound encounter with Jesus post-resurrection, leading to unwavering commitment and a clear confession of faith.
Faith in the Face of Unresolved Questions
The episode delves into the essence of faith amidst unanswered questions and unexplainable circumstances. It underscores the significance of trusting in Jesus based on the evidence of his resurrection and the reliability of his teachings. By highlighting Thomas' response to Jesus' wounds and his submission to divine revelation, the speaker emphasizes the transformative power of faith - accepting what is beyond comprehension based on the undeniable truth of Jesus' resurrection.
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Can you remember the last time you went through a period of intense doubt?
In this episode of “12 Truths & A Lie,” Pastor J.D. talks about the most famous doubter of all time—Thomas—and shows us how we can deal with our doubts. Many of us think that our doubts disqualify us spiritually. But doubt is like a raised foot: It can step backwards in unbelief, but it can also walk forward in faith.
You’ll learn what to do with your doubts, as well as what God says to you in the midst of your doubt. Like Thomas, you may not get all of your questions answered. But you may get something even better—a love too wonderful for words.