Dr. Philippa Hardman uses learning science to help people design better learning experiences. She is the creator of the DOMS™️ learning design engine, a Cambridge University Scholar as well as a Host, Author and Advisor. She joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about how organizational leaders, learning designers, and anyone creating learning products can use Chat GPT and other generative AI tools to become more productive in their endeavors.
We learn how Philippa got involved in academia before working in leadership roles in a number of edTech companies prior to founding her consultancy. She explains how she's been experimenting with generative AI and what she's learned so far with it. We wax dystopian for a moment to contemplate how new tools like Chat GPT will enable a lot more substandard content to be generated quickly and cheaply and why that presents challenges to all of us to up our games. It's a thought-provoking conversation with an expert in learning science and AI that you won't want to miss.
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