Areta Kovalska, US expat living in Lviv, talks about living in western Ukraine and her website Forgotten Galicia, which provides information on the history, culture, and people of the region. The podcast covers topics such as language, weather, COVID-19 vaccines, expat community, Ukrainian folk songs, Chicago vs Lviv lifestyle, changes in China, preserving language and traditions, language proficiency, family legend, and recommended organization for character tours and research.
Forget Galicia is a website that provides information and resources for researching ancestry in Western Ukraine.
Lviv, Western Ukraine, is described as a beautiful city with historical architecture and cobblestone streets.
Ukrainian folk songs and historical architecture are factors that keep people rooted in Ukraine.
Lviv has become a popular tourist destination due to its affordability and rich historical architecture.
The podcast discusses the evolving food culture in Ukraine, including the emergence of cafes and a diverse culinary scene.
Deep dives
Family connection and love for Ukraine
The speaker shares how they had a family connection to Ukraine and had always dreamed of living there. They first visited Ukraine as a teenager with their parents and fell in love with the country. The experience of meeting family, exploring the culture, and falling in love with the architecture and historical sites solidified their desire to move to Ukraine.
The relaxed and beautiful city of Lviv
Lviv is described as a relaxed city with beautiful architecture and cobblestone streets. The speaker highlights their love for walking around the city and discovering new streets and buildings. They mention that Lviv has been attracting more tourists in recent years, but it still remains a hidden gem for many people outside of Ukraine.
The influence of folk songs and historical architecture
The speaker recalls how Ukrainian folk songs, especially those about loving and never forgetting Ukraine, had a deep impact on their connection to the country. They express their love for historical architecture and how it keeps them rooted in Ukraine. They believe that architecture and food are key factors that keep people settled in a particular place.
The changing dynamics and appeal of Lviv
The speaker discusses how Lviv has changed over time, with the growth of tourism and the emergence of digital nomads discovering the city's charm. They mention that Lviv used to be a hidden gem, but now it has become a popular destination due to its affordability and rich historical architecture. However, the relaxed and slower-paced life in Lviv remains one of its defining qualities.
The Importance of Food Culture in Ukraine
The podcast episode discusses the emergence of cafes and the growing food culture in Ukraine since 2014. The speaker highlights the importance of having a variety of food options, including foreign cuisine like Indian and Thai, and shares personal experiences of experimenting with cooking these dishes. The availability of ingredients has improved over the years, allowing for a diverse culinary scene in Ukraine. The podcast also touches on the challenges faced when communicating in Ukrainian, such as different dialects and regional vocabulary. Overall, it emphasizes the significance of food culture in the speaker's life and the evolving culinary landscape in Ukraine.
Language Challenges for Ukrainians in Ukraine
The podcast delves into the language challenges faced by Ukrainians in Ukraine, particularly for those coming from the Ukrainian diaspora. The speaker shares their experience of learning the Ukrainian spoken in their family, which differed from the modern Ukrainian. They discuss the need to adapt their language usage and learn new words, especially when it came to using outdated terms, dialects, and regional vocabulary. The podcast also explores the struggles of communicating and ordering in Ukrainian when first moving to Ukraine, including difficulties with measurements, buying candy, and interacting with shopkeepers. Despite these challenges, the speaker's language skills have improved over time, allowing for smoother communication.
Forgotten Galicia: Documenting Traces of the Past
The podcast mentions the speaker's blog, Forgotten Galicia, which focuses on documenting physical remnants and traces of the past in western Ukraine, particularly in Lviv. The blog initially began as a personal project to capture old hand-painted signs advertising various products, showcasing the multicultural history of the region. Over time, the blog expanded to include architectural details and infrastructure that are no longer in use. The speaker discusses their intention to potentially write a book based on the material from the blog, highlighting the goal of connecting people to the history and cultural heritage of Galicia through visual imagery and research.
Exploring the Physical Traces of History in Ukraine
One of the main focuses of the podcast episode is the exploration of the physical traces of history in Ukraine. The host discusses various elements such as architecture, ghost signs, and infrastructure that serve as reminders of the past. Examples mentioned include boots scrapers, which were used to clean muddy boots before entering buildings, and can still be found around the city. The host emphasizes the fascination in seeing these physical remnants and connecting with the history they represent. This exploration of physical traces provides a unique way to learn about and experience the history of Ukraine.
Living as an Expat in Ukraine
The podcast also delves into the experiences of living as an expatriate in Ukraine. The host mentions the challenges and sacrifices that come with being far from family and navigating a different culture. However, technology has played a significant role in bridging this gap, allowing for communication and connection with loved ones. The discussion further explores the expat community in Ukraine, mentioning regular interactions with other expats and the conversations that arise about the expat lifestyle. The host reflects on the sense of belonging and happiness found in Ukraine, despite occasional doubts or questions about life decisions.
If you’re on Facebook and part of the Ukrainian diaspora, you’ve no doubt come across a page called Forgotten Galicia. That account, and its primary website,, is run by Areta Kovalska, my guest on today’s episode. A US expat living in Lviv, Ukraine, Areta had arrived roughly around the same time I was in the country but ended up staying much longer.
As war-torn as Ukraine is represented in the media, Areta talks about what it’s like to live in Lviv, which is located in the Western part of Ukraine, closer to Poland. As a part of the diaspora, Areta shares her story of how she has wanted to live in Ukraine for a very long time but it wasn’t until 2010 that she made the decision to make the move.
Areta runs a website, on which she posts about the history, culture, language and people of what was the former Austrian Empire and is now Western Ukraine. I encourage you to take a look at what she has published as she provides a lot of information for people who may be interested in researching their ancestry. She has a few links on her website to people and services that can help you trace your lineage.
This is a shorter episode as it only runs a couple of hours so it should fit within a commute or two!
You can find Areta online at her website and follow her Facebook page for more info: