Thinking Different about the Restoration with Steven Harper
Feb 17, 2025
Steven Harper, a professor of Church history at Brigham Young University and author of Wrestling with the Restoration, dives into the significance of faith and the Church in contemporary society. He discusses the importance of questioning beliefs, revitalizing faith amidst declining attendance, and the necessity of deep reflection in a fast-paced world. Harper encourages listeners to engage with historical narratives and the Book of Mormon, fostering a richer understanding of their spiritual journey and the unique teachings of their faith.
The podcast emphasizes the importance of wrestling with faith, encouraging individuals to confront uncomfortable truths instead of avoiding difficult questions.
Historical context reveals that the contemporary trend of disaffiliation from organized religion is not new, prompting a deeper exploration of why the church matters.
Deep dives
The Importance of Asking Tough Questions
The discussion centers around the crucial question of why the church matters, particularly in the context of faith and belief. This inquiry stems from the desire to understand eternal consequences and derive meaning in life by exploring fundamental questions about existence and divinity. Joseph Smith's emphasis on being right regarding matters of eternal significance is highlighted as a guiding principle that inspires personal investigation and commitment to lifelong discipleship. The journey involves not only seeking answers but also living in alignment with those truths through sacred covenants.
Challenges of Church Affiliation
The podcast emphasizes the contemporary trend of disaffiliation from organized religion, particularly in America, where many individuals question the relevance of church. Historical awakenings demonstrate that this phenomenon is not new, and there has always been a search for spiritual engagement. The host argues that church matters because it represents the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, distinguishing it as the most significant among various Christian denominations. This perspective urges an appreciation for the restored gospel while acknowledging the beauty present in other faith traditions.
The Need for Thoughtful Examination
A major theme is the necessity of wrestling with faith and confronting uncomfortable truths rather than avoiding difficult questions. The podcast addresses the anxiety many experience when grappling with issues of faith, urging listeners to undertake a deliberate exploration of their beliefs. Thinking slowly, as suggested by psychologist Daniel Kahneman, allows individuals to discern complex questions rather than settling for oversimplified answers. This awareness empowers them to find deeper truths and develop a more resilient faith, navigating the complexities of belief in today’s information age.
Combining Knowledge with Revelation
The conversation stresses the importance of combining diligent study with openness to divine revelation, particularly in the quest for truth. Seeking knowledge about church history, doctrine, and the experiences of others fosters a richer understanding while remaining mindful of the limitations inherent in our knowledge base. Engaging with sacred texts, such as the Book of Mormon, is presented as a foundational practice for deepening one’s faith and drawing nearer to God. Ultimately, the pursuit of truth through both intellectual inquiry and spiritual guidance leads to a more meaningful relationship with the gospel and a greater understanding of divine purpose.
This episode jumps into something that is right the Out of the Best Books alley. It’s all about asking this crucial question of our faith: why does this church matter? We'll explore how we can encourage the wrestle of that. Hopefully we can see our study of the Doctrine and Covenants this year in a new light, and it may enlighten the conversations we have around the Sunday dinner table.
The perfect person to have this conversation with is Steven C. Harper. He is a professor of Church history and doctrine at Brigham Young University. Steven helps students develop resilient faith and is passionate about them becoming lifelong disciples of the Savior. And his book Wrestling with the Restoration inspired today’s conversation.