Virtue is Hard; Let Him Change You One Step at a Time // TGP Episode 152 (Rescued, Lent 2024)
Feb 15, 2024
The podcast discusses the challenges of practicing virtue and the role of the enemy in distorting personalities. They reflect on profound confessions and the significance of Ash Wednesday. The speakers discuss finding solace in the chapel and the joy of being Catholic. They explore the vulnerability of the Lord's heart and practical ways of expressing love for Him. The episode concludes with a prayer for God's grace during Lent.
Virtue is a gradual process, and instead of striving to fix ourselves, we should let God peel back our layers and grow us in virtue bit by bit.
Encountering God in everyday life and finding joy in simple encounters can help us draw closer to Him and deepen our relationship.
Deep dives
Being vulnerable and embracing humility in the pursuit of virtue
In a recent confession, the podcast host shared an experience of humility and vulnerability in confronting her struggles with virtue. She compared herself to her friend Jenna, who seemed to exercise virtue effortlessly. The chaplain's insightful comment about the difficulty of virtue for some people resonated with her. She also reflected on how the enemy can distort our strengths and make us despise them. The importance of recognizing our dependence on God and not feeling defective but rather dependent is another valuable insight shared. The host expressed gratitude for this confession experience and vowed to embrace humility and let God love her.
The danger of complicating prayer and overlooking the simple encounters with God
The podcast hosts discussed the tendency to overcomplicate prayer and overlook the simplicity of encountering God in everyday life. They reflected on the beauty of encountering God in the Eucharist, present in the ordinary appearance of bread and wine. They also shared personal experiences of finding God in daily tasks such as folding laundry and making coffee. The hosts expressed a desire to draw closer to God by finding joy in simple encounters and acknowledging His presence in the ordinary moments of their day.
Returning to God with a whole heart and embracing simplicity in prayer
The hosts discussed the importance of returning to God with a whole heart, free from sinful attachments and distractions. They emphasized the need to be present to God in prayer and allow Him to love them fully. Simplifying prayer and letting go of the need for particular emotions or consolations was highlighted. The invitation to see God's love in the simple aspects of life, including sunsets and signs of His providence, was also emphasized. The hosts expressed their desire to continually give their hearts to God and receive His love, fully embracing the beauty of simplicity and vulnerability in their relationship with Him.
Letting go of attachments and allowing God to transform the heart
The hosts reflected on the need to let go of attachments and allow God to transform their hearts. They shared insights from their readings, discussing the concept of interior mortification and the gradual process of becoming detached from things that hinder our union with God. They acknowledged that the journey of detachment can be challenging, but expressed a desire to cooperate with God's grace and allow Him to slowly transform them. The hosts discussed the importance of simplicity, vulnerability, and ongoing surrender in the pursuit of a deeper relationship with God.