(Ep 297) - Get Better At Anything Comes Out Next Week!
Apr 30, 2024
Upcoming release of 'Get Better at Anything, 12 Maxims for Mastery': Explore the science of learning and 12 essential principles for improvement. Pre-order bonuses include a self-improvement course and e-books, stressing benefits of ordering early.
The book delves into 12 maxims for mastery based on learning science principles.
Pre-order bonuses offer a self-improvement course and four e-books for personal growth.
Deep dives
Maxims for Mastery and Learning Principles
The new book, Get Better at Anything, 12 Maxims for Mastery, delves into the science of learning by exploring fundamental principles that researchers have identified to explain the learning process. The author condenses these principles into 12 memorable maxims intended to assist individuals in their personal development. These maxims serve as practical guidelines for improving oneself.
Pre-Order Bonuses and Book Versions
Listeners are reminded of the pre-order bonuses available for those who purchase the book before its release date, which include a comprehensive course on self-improvement covering psychology, decision-making, habits, goal setting, and planning. Additionally, four previously self-published e-books will be provided as bonuses. The author emphasizes that to receive these bonuses, individuals can pre-order any version of the book from various platforms before May 6th, ensuring access to valuable resources for personal growth.
Upcoming Release of 'Get Better at Anything, 12 Maxims for Mastery'