I love chatting to consistently profitable traders, and hearing their story on the development of their trading. And if you have aspirations on becoming a consistently profitable forex trader, I just conducted an interview with a Stage 4 trader (Leo) that you need to hear.
The information that Leo imparted can save you literally YEARS of doing it wrong and making unnecessary mistakes. No need to reinvent the wheel.
Leo, a long-time Coach’s Corner member, answers some great questions that should be very helpful to anyone wanting to achieve consistent profitability…
• Leo talks about the frustrations that he went through (like everyone else), but more importantly, how he dealt with them.
• You’ll hear what got him over the “hump” on his road to becoming a profitable forex trader.
• Leo will also provide you with some very valuable insights into things that made the biggest difference for him – and the failing of most forex traders.
• Listen to what he says that would have sped up his development the most
I want to publicly thank Leo for sharing his story with all of us, on the path he took to achieving consistent profitability. I hope you enjoy the podcast.
You can get more information on our Forex Trading services here:
https://www.forexmentor.com/cc/ Thanks for listening!
Vic Noble
vicnoble@forexmentor.com Forexmentor.com
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