Explore the transformative power of the incarnation or Christmas, highlighting the impact of God coming to earth and changing our understanding of Him. Discuss the significance of the star, the concept of the virgin birth, and the importance of God's initiation in our relationship with Him. Dive into personal stories of defining moments, including the journey of becoming a brain surgeon and the profound impact of encountering the real Jesus during the Christmas season.
The incarnation reveals that God takes the first step towards us, offering us his best in Jesus Christ, which can transform our relationship with Him and with others.
The incarnation affirms that God is present and close to us, demonstrating His immeasurable love and willingness to be with us, inviting us to seek a deeper relationship with Him.
Deep dives
God Initiates
The incarnation, or Christmas, is a defining moment in history where God broke into our world in the person of Jesus. The belief in the virgin birth of Jesus signifies that God initiates. God takes the first step towards us, offering us his best in Jesus Christ. This understanding of God's initiation can transform our relationship with Him and with others, teaching us to extend forgiveness and grace. It also reminds us that God is always close to us, regardless of our circumstances or unfulfilled desires.
God Understands
The incarnation reveals that God fully understands the human experience. Jesus, as God in human form, experienced the complexities and challenges of life. He felt forsaken, alone, and abandoned. This understanding of God's empathy and compassion can deeply impact our prayer life and our ability to forgive. It reminds us that God is not distant or uninvolved, but intimately acquainted with our struggles and pain.
God is Close
The incarnation affirms that God is present and close to us. In Jesus, God became physically present on Earth, demonstrating His immeasurable love and willingness to be with us. While following Jesus may bring new challenges and complications, it also brings us closer to experiencing the real Jesus and His transformative power. This closeness invites us to seek a deeper relationship with Him, allowing Him to shape and guide our lives.