Welcome to Weird Web Radio! I'm your host, Lonnie Scott! This episode features my kindred spirit Kim Huggens. I met Kim in person back in 2014 at TarotCon in Dallas. She was my favorite presenter, and we ended up building a great friendship ever since that event. Kim has such a wonderful diverse path to her current views and skills that I'm going to pull the information from her bio in the Tarot Apokalipsis book. Kim is the author of the award winning book Complete Guide to Tarot Illuminati - Best Tarot Book of the Year 2013 and Outstanding Cartomancy Book 2013. Kim also wrote Tarot 101 which is one of the top two books I recommend to anyone learning Tarot. She's co-created Tarot Apokalypsis, Sol Invictus: The God Tarot, and Pistis Sophia: The Goddess Tarot. Kim is published in The Conjure Codex; Priestesses, Pythonesses, and Sibyls; Both Sides of Heaven; and Memento Mori. Kim has an undergrad in Philosophy, and a postgraduate degree in Ancient History; her research focused on religion in late antiquity, malefic-erotic magic in the Graeco-Roman period, necromancy throughout history, mystery religions of the ancient world and mythology. She's been using tarot for over 20 years, giving workshops and lectures internationally. Kim was initiated into Vodou in Sosyete Gade Nou Leve in 2009. Kim is also quite find of role playing games whether on a table or LARP. Now that we covered the accolades and such, let's dig into what we discussed. Here are some of the major points:
Death In The Western World
Dealing With Losing a Parent
Ancestor Worship Made More Personal
Ancestral Worship In Christianity
Death Transforms Spirituality
Faults of the Funeral Industry
The Order of the Good Death
Jake Stratton Kent
The Greek Magical Papyri
Conjure Codex 1
Tarot Illuminati
Tarot Apokalypsis
Malific-Erotic Magic
The Nature of the Gods
Thoughts On Cultural Appropriation
Race In Religion
LARP and Table Top Role Playing Games Tied Into Spiritual and Personal Empowerment
You'll get all that and more! ALSO! Go
join the Weird Web Radio Official Membership Club on Patreon for bonus audio interview with Kim! ONLY $5 A MONTH! SHOW NOTES: Go out and buy your own Tarot Illuminati and / or the Tarot Apokalypsis! You can see the video of Kim with Jake Stratton Kent HERE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64OyAvyp7Bo Intro voice over by Lothar Tuppan. Outro voice over by Lonnie Scott Intro & Outro Music by Nine Inch Nails on the album ‘7’, song title ‘Ghost’, under Creative Commons License.