Kyle Worley and Rebecca McLaughlin answer questions submitted by listeners!Questions Covered in This Episode:
Why did there stop being prophets? Surely God is still speaking (inspiring?) since the 1st century. Why is there no book of Rebecca? Or book of CS Lewis?
Why does no one ever talk about divorce? It’s mentioned in the OT and New Testament, and the internet is full of polarized views on it?
I would love to hear what you guys say about the times in scripture when someone prays and God seems to ‘change his mind…’
“My friend and I are reading through Acts and what we are seeing there – the daily interactions of believers – is so different from our local church experience. What do we do with that?”
How would you recommend thinking through God’s sovereignty alongside what some would say are natural consequences of living in a broken world. As in, is God using my X for good, or was that His intention for my life from birth?
How much do we have to hate someone to not share the gospel with them? What are your thoughts on that?
What’s your favorite bible passage?
What does Imago dei mean? How does that interpretation influence our decisions regarding social justice, race relations, and other human rights relative to our current culture?
Can you pronounce one another’s last names?
My college-aged daughter has a Christian friend who just shared she is bisexual. Any practical ideas of how my daughter might bring truth into their friendship and conversations without affirming behavior that is outside of God’s plan or failing to respond or speak in love?
Helpful Definitions:
Imago Dei: Image of God. Doctrine in which we believe that humans are created in the image of God and are worthy of unconditional dignity.
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
1 Corinthians 14:1-25, 2 Timothy 3:16, Genesis 18:16-33, Exodus 34, Jonah, Genesis 50:20, John 11, John 1, Matthew 5-7, Romans 8