Mitch Horowitz, brilliant author, lecturer, philosopher, discusses the history and practice of occultism, the mystical nature of ancient books and rituals, the rise of modern secret societies, the suppression of ideas in scientific communities, the growing public interest in the UFO question, and more.
Occultism involves forming relationships with hidden forces and exploring extra-physical dimensions.
Scientific communities often face challenges when investigating the extra-physical, dismissing testimony and evidence of non-physical phenomena.
The possibility of interdimensionality in UFO cases offers a framework for understanding phenomena that challenge conventional views on reality.
Deep dives
Beliefs and Practices of Occultism
Occultism is a thought movement that emerged in late antiquity and has been rediscovered throughout history. It involves forming relationships with hidden forces and exploring extra-physical dimensions. Ancient civilizations through to our pre-human ancestors practiced spirituality and believed in extra-physical intelligence.
Challenges to Investigating the Extra-Physical
Scientific communities, particularly in the social sciences, often face challenges when investigating the extra-physical. Testimony and evidence regarding telepathy, ESP, and other phenomena are sometimes dismissed or labeled as pseudo-science. Some scientists who examine non-physical phenomena, even with impeccable credentials, face opposition and skepticism in their research.
Interdimensionality and Extraterrestrial Phenomena
Some of the most remarkable UFO cases suggest the possibility of interdimensionality rather than extraterrestrial origin. Concepts of interdimensionality have more refined models in modern physics, such as string theory and many-worlds theory. These models offer a framework for understanding various phenomena that challenge conventional views on reality and physicality.
Suppression of Testimony and Knowledge
The suppression of testimony and knowledge regarding the occult, paranormal, and extraterrestrial phenomena has been prevalent throughout history. This suppression has often been driven by dogma, external influences, and societal pressures. In the modern era, there is a growing openness to and acknowledgement of these phenomena, even though significant skepticism and opposition remain.
The Need for Excellence in Methodology and Inquiry
Excellence in methodology and inquiry is key to fostering understanding of the occult, paranormal, and extraterrestrial phenomena. Rather than dismissing these subjects, it is important to approach them with rigorous and open-minded scientific investigation. Testimony and evidence should be considered and analyzed, and the focus should be on the quality of research and methodology rather than preconceived beliefs.