A bit of an unusual episode since Nils talks to fellow tendinopathy nerd and coach Jake Tuura.
Jake is as invested in learning everything about tendinopathies (mostly patellar and achilles) as noone else and although he claims himself a meathead he's one of the most competent coaches in the realm of tendinopathies.
Nils and Jake discuss everything about tendon structure, what Jake learned while reading 10 tendon books, why horse tendons are used for research and what he thinks about the Berlin Method of Tendon Training.
If you want to find out more about Jake and his awesome podcast Jacked Athlete (which was the first podcast ever that I listened to about tendinopathies), check out these links: https://jackedathlete.com/jumperskneeprotocol-2/ https://open.spotify.com/show/6D1luvZfw0tOQLumTsoQVt?si=3376a5cad1df46a6
Wenn du selbst von Patella- oder Achillessehnen Schmerzen betroffen bist und diese endlich los werden möchtest, dann sichere dir jetzt einen Termin für unsere kostenlose Schmerzanalyse, in der wir darüber sprechen, ob wir dir weiterhelfen können.
Hier kostenlosen Termin buchen: https://nilsheim.de/termin
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