Learn about the challenges of pronouncing words correctly in conversations, the importance of repetition and muscle memory, common pitfalls in pronunciation practice, and effective methods for improving pronunciation skills. Discover strategies for practicing and receiving feedback, and how to integrate proper pronunciation into your speech for clear communication.
Practicing pronunciation involves developing muscle memory through repetitive drilling and giving oneself feedback for improvement.
Integrating correct pronunciation into speech requires conscious and deliberate usage, self-evaluation, and challenging oneself with conversation topics.
Deep dives
Importance of Effective Pronunciation Practice
Practicing pronunciation effectively involves more than just knowing how to make a sound correctly. Many learners struggle to use the correct pronunciation in real conversations because speaking spontaneously and practicing are two different things. It is crucial to develop muscle memory through repetitive drilling of the challenging sounds or words. However, there are two potential pitfalls: not practicing enough or practicing incorrectly, which reinforces old pronunciation habits. To overcome these challenges, learners should give themselves feedback by recording and listening to their own pronunciation or using tools like the pronunciation tool on Google. Practice must be consistent and last longer than just one hour to ingrain the correct pronunciation into speech habits.
Conscious and Deliberate Use of Pronunciation
After practicing a sound or word, the next step is to consciously and deliberately use it in conversations. This means focusing on pronouncing the sound accurately every time it occurs and being aware of its correct pronunciation. Recording oneself while speaking and paying attention to the accuracy of pronunciation helps in self-evaluation. Additionally, challenging yourself with conversation topics and recording your responses allows you to test your ability to integrate the correct pronunciation naturally into your speech. While not necessary, these activities can provide extra guidance and assurance.
Overcoming Frustration and Embracing Progress
It is essential to acknowledge that struggling to integrate correct pronunciation into speech does not indicate a personal failing. It simply means that the sound or word has not been fully integrated into one's speech patterns. It is crucial to practice effectively and follow a systematic approach like the one outlined in the podcast. Additionally, learners should be kind to themselves and understand that achieving clear communication is more important than attaining native-like accents. Finally, seeking guidance from courses or programs specifically designed for accent improvement, like Accent Makeover, can provide structured practice, feedback, and accelerated progress.
One question I get asked regularly by learners of English is, “how come I practice a new word and succeed in pronouncing it right but then fail to get it right when using it in a conversation later on?”
Has that ever happened to you? In this episode I discuss why it is not enough to improve in English simply by watching a video or listening to a podcast, and what you need to do to really see results when you speak.