In this emotionally charged episode, Tony hosts Taylor and Tami, a son and mother duo with a story that unfolds layers of family secrets, supernatural experiences, and a harrowing journey through darkness. Beginning with light-hearted exchanges about personal quirks and shared memories, the conversation quickly veers into the depths of their family's history, entangled with a religious cult known as "The Truth." As the narrative progresses, Taylor shares his move to Florida to pursue professional wrestling, only to return home to Albuquerque amidst his mother's divorce from a prominent politician, unraveling a series of events that would forever alter their lives.
The story takes a darker turn as Tami and Taylor get into their family's entanglement with the cult, culminating in a chilling confrontation with what they describe as pure demonic evil. Taylor's aspirations and his mother's escape from the cult's grasp serve as a backdrop to a broader discussion on faith, redemption, and the fight against an unseen malevolence that threatens to consume their lives. Through their account, they explore themes of betrayal, the quest for identity, and the power of resilience in the face of unimaginable horror. This episode is a gripping tale of survival, a testament to the strength of the human spirit, and a profound reflection on the nature of evil and the possibility of hope in darkness.