Everyone wants a Marvelous, Mysterious, Magical and Magnificent marriage! We don’t want a kind and considerate roommate. We don’t want a hygienic socio-economic partner. We don’t even want a cook, housecleaner-take-out-the-garbage-fixer-upper-fight-off-the-burglars-and-walk-the-dog, live-in tenant. No, we want the sexiest words in the English language, a husband or a wife. But that arrangement is only possible between a man who is masculine and a woman who is feminine. The problem is that for years we’ve all been bombarded by an incessant barrage of propaganda teaching women to be more like men, and directing men to be less like men. Is there a solution? Can a 4M marriage really be created? Yes! that is why you have a rabbi with the Manufacturer’s Instruction Manual!