I have to confess, I hate election season. I hate it because there's nothing to say about Kamala Harris that's new. She's fake, craven, racist, willing to do anything for power, empty, intellectually vacant, corrupt, lying, and avaricious. Tim Waltz is an empty, avaricious, lying, power-seeking, oofy, fake-looking white dude who lies about everything. President Trump is the alternative. We can color it up, and we'll do that. We can talk about the polls and the horse race, and oh, it's going to save America. No, it's not. I strongly prefer President Trump. Can we start with the cultural moment? Because I think it speaks to something far more eternal, and I think it also indicates why so many single white women are being deceived into destroying the country via emotional deception.
What does God’s Word say? Psalm 37:13 13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming. Episode Links:
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