In the '90s, a remarkable sound was being developed in Houston—its cavernous drums, booming, crawling vocals, and distinctive, hiccuping rhythms reflect the indelible influence of DJ Screw. During the latter half of the decade, the hardworking musician produced hundreds if not thousands of tapes, mixing regional classics with on-the-fly freestyles to develop a new template for southern rap. While Screw's life was cut tragically short, his musical style has lived on, influencing everything from Drake and A$AP Rocky to the entire "slowed and reverbed" digital community.
But what was it about Houston that made Screw's career possible? What was it about TAPES that made Screw's career possible? To find out more, we talked with Lance Scott Walker, whose astounding oral history, "DJ Screw: A LIfe in Slow Motion" stands as the definitive account of this sonic trailblazer. Digging into urban histories, analog theories, and business practices, this episode explores the world that made Screw—and the world that Screw made.