Alma 8-12 Part 1 • Dr. Daniel Sharp • June 17-23 • Come Follow Me
Jun 12, 2024
Expert Dr. Daniel Sharp discusses Alma and Amulek's proclamation of the gospel in Ammonihah, focusing on the power of prayer, missionary work, and angels. They delve into teaching the hard-hearted, the reality of angels, and the importance of missionary goals. The podcast explores themes of faith, repentance, and standing strong in faith amidst opposition.
Importance of prayer and missionary work in reaching the hard-hearted.
Emphasis on personal obedience and faithfulness despite facing rejection.
Challenges in conveying true principles amidst doctrinal competition and resistance.
Deep dives
Establishing the Church in Various Cities
Alma focuses on establishing the order of the church in cities like Zarahemla, Gideon, and eventually Ammonihah. Despite facing challenges, he ordains priests and elders and baptizes repentant individuals, marking the expansion of the church's influence.
Challenges in Ammonihah and Lessons in Faithfulness
Facing resistance in Ammonihah, Alma prays fervently for the people's acceptance of the gospel, but they reject him despite his efforts. The angel's reassurance highlights the importance of being faithful in keeping God's commandments, emphasizing personal obedience over achieving desired outcomes.
Connection to Nihor's Influence and Doctrinal Competition
The rejection of Alma's message in Ammonihah reflects the influence of the Nihors, known for professing doctrines contrary to the gospel. The desolation and resistance in Ammonihah stem from a doctrinal competition, revealing challenges in conveying and upholding true principles amid conflicting beliefs.
Prophetic Warning and Urgency for Repentance in Ammonihah
The people of Ammonihah, despite multiple warnings and opportunities for repentance, harden their hearts against God's message delivered by Alma. Alma conveys a crucial message commanding repentance, emphasizing that without repentance, they cannot inherit God's kingdom. The urgency of the warning is highlighted, as failure to repent will lead to destruction, showcasing the consequences of continual rebellion.
Amulek's Testimony and Witnessing God's Promptings
Amulek, a newer member to the teachings of God, receives direct guidance from an angel to host and assist Alma. Despite his initial lack of knowledge about the ways of God, Amulek becomes a powerful instrument in delivering the message of repentance and redemption. His testimony, rooted in his personal experiences and direct promptings from the divine, exemplifies the transformative impact of embracing and acting upon spiritual promptings.
How can we teach the hard hearted? According to Dr. Daniel Sharp, Alma and Amulek proclaim the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the wicked in Ammonihah while teaching the power of prayer, missionary work, and the reality of angels.
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11:28 The Joseph Smith Papers and Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
14:33 Alma 8:1-2 - Alma’s role and the order of the church
18:38 More than one way to be a believer
20:49 Alma 8:3-5 - Success in Melek
22:04 Alma 8:6-15 - Ammonihah and Alma’s efforts
25:10 A lesson about God’s timing
30:07 A missionary's focus
32:45 Dr. Sharp shares a personal story about missionary goals
39:04 Nehor and the evils of Ammonihah
40:10 Alma 16:11 - The Desolation of Nehors
42:28 Alma 15:15 - Traits of the followers of Nehor
43:24 Alma 8:13 - An angel commands Alma
46:14 Zeezrom doesn’t question angelic visits
47:58 Alma 8:19-32 - Alma is fed by Amulek
50:00 Alma 10:4-6 Amulek introduces himself
51:37 Alma 10 and 11 - Amulek’s first talks
52:51 Dr. Sharp shares why he decided to serve a mission as a new member
54:10 Alma 10:6 - Living below our privileges
57:06 Alma 9:1 - Alma and Amulek return to Ammonihah
59:26 Alma 9:12 - Alma preaches the gospel and warns Ammonihah
1:02:51 Alma 9:30 - Harsh language
1:04:56 Alma 10 and 11 - a perfect junior companion
1:06:45 Testimonies and two witnesses
1:09:38 End of Part 1 - Dr. Daniel Sharp
Thanks to the followHIM team: Steve & Shannon Sorensen: Cofounder, Executive Producer, Sponsor David & Verla Sorensen: Sponsors Dr. Hank Smith: Co-host John Bytheway: Co-host David Perry: Producer Kyle Nelson: Marketing, Sponsor Lisa Spice: Client Relations, Editor, Show Notes Jamie Neilson: Social Media, Graphic Design Will Stoughton: Video Editor Krystal Roberts: Translation Team, English & French Transcripts, Website Ariel Cuadra: Spanish Transcripts
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