S1 Ep02 - Creating Inspiration & Possibility with Our Projects
Aug 23, 2023
Explore the concept of finding inspiration and motivation for meaningful projects, moving from coercion to internal inspiration. Learn how to keep your vision and possibility in focus to combat resistance and feel connected to the project's purpose. Discover the importance of creating internal inspiration, finding your deeper reasons, and practicing this process daily to foster a more fulfilling way of living and working.
For long-term meaningful projects, it is important to move from coercion to inspiration and generate internal motivation.
To stay motivated in projects, it is essential to keep your vision and possibilities in mind and connect to your deeper reasons for pursuing the project.
Deep dives
The Importance of Finding Inspiration
In this podcast episode, Leo Babauta discusses the importance of finding inspiration and being pulled forward into meaningful work. He shares his personal struggle with resistance and the common habit of coercing oneself into doing projects. Instead, he encourages listeners to generate internal inspiration by envisioning what they want to create and the impact it can have on the world. By writing out their inspirations and possibilities, individuals can connect to their vision and stay motivated. Babauta emphasizes that relying solely on external inspiration is not sustainable and encourages listeners to practice feeling inspired and connected to their projects.
Creating Personal Motivation
Leo Babauta challenges the traditional approach of forcing oneself to accomplish tasks or projects out of obligation. He suggests that relying on willpower alone can lead to burnout and a lack of inspiration. Instead, he advocates for cultivating personal motivation by focusing on the desired outcome and the potential positive effects it can have. By writing down their reasons for pursuing a project and keeping it visibly in front of them, individuals can tap into their intrinsic motivation and find a deeper sense of purpose in their work.
Practicing Inspired Action
Leo Babauta acknowledges that feeling inspired may not come naturally at first, especially for those who are accustomed to pushing themselves or feeling unmotivated. He encourages listeners to practice generating inspiration and connecting to their heartfelt desires on a daily basis. While it may initially feel awkward or uncertain, he advises perseverance and a commitment to finding that internal spark. By consistently practicing inspired action and remaining connected to their visions, individuals can cultivate a sense of fulfillment and vitality in their work.
Taking on a meaningful project where you're facing resistance ... do you just force yourself because you feel like you should, or because you want to be disciplined?
This works in the short term, but not the long term. We will give up eventually, and feel like we failed.
In this episode, Leo looks at how to work from a more inspired place.
Topics Covered
The common approach of forcing oneself to work on a project without feeling motivated
Moving from coercion to inspiration for long-term meaningful projects
The importance of generating internal inspiration rather than relying solely on external sources
Finding your deeper reasons and inspiration for the project
How to keep your vision and possibility front and center to combat resistance
Continuing to feel inspired and connected to the project's purpose
Practicing this process daily, even if it feels challenging at first