And I kid you not. Okay. I kid you not. It comes back with 2,500 corrections and I am just fricking astounded. Now, how can this be now? Obviously the way she counts, if a comma is in the wrong place where she cuts it, it's one. She puts it back. It's two. So let's be conservative. Let's say it's 1,250 problems. I'm still, my mind is boggled. So anyway
And I kid you not. Okay. I kid you not.
I kid you not guys, by listening to the Vocab Man , little by little, you will definitely improve your English skills while come back to this vocabulary podcast.
You need a very good password whenever you're doing anything kind of digital and Snowden came up with a suggestion, which was, and I kid you not, Margaret Thatcher is 100% sexy. I dunno if Greece can remember Margaret Thatcher, but I assure you that it's not true.
The expression I kid you not is just another way of saying I'm being completely serious right now. I am not kidding you. So it is rather colloquial and it is used to insist that one is telling the truth. And the funny thing is that these expression was popularized by Jack Paar .
And he was the host of the Tonight Show from 1957 to 1962. Jack used this as his signature phrase, but I'm not quite sure if he invented it. So yeah.
He was already drunk. I kid you not. And this isn't me just ripping on my ex. This was one of the best trial lawyers ever.
So, this was actually a quote from the series called Goliath. So the woman said he was already drunk. I kid you not. And she was referring to her ex-husband and he is actually the main character of the series. And if you are into crime series or law series, Goliath is highly recommended by me. The Vocab man.
And I also came across another expression when I was watching this episode and the expression was "just so you know":
Just so you know, I got a case and I think it's pretty damn good. One
This was the main character of the series. And why did I mention it? So it's quite simple because whenever I come across an expression, I try to remember it. And I produce a new episode of the VOCA MAN . And just so you know, was actually on episode number three, I think. And I explained these expression over there.
the magic happens when you try to focus on only a few expressions. And then all of a sudden you noticed them when you watch a series or a movie, and then by doing so it will stick for good. It will stick with you forever. Right? You, you have learned it.
Tony Blair says in his autobiography, I kid you not. He says the freedom of information act was his biggest regret in government.
But I was rambling here a bit. So let's go back to the expression. So McMillan dictionary gives the following explanation. I kid you not is used for saying that you are telling the truth. Yeah. And there is, by the way, an alternative form of I kid you not. But this one is quite vulgar . So be careful when using it, it goes like this I shit
you not. Yeah.
They called their board and which I think it was more of a lunchroom. And we were literally, I shit, you not having the meeting at a ping pong table. And they were talking about what the game plan was for this thing.
and I shit, you not, I'm not making this up. I dare you even try to make this up last night. I I'm on the phone. Cause if you look at my car right now, you're going to see a suitcase because I flew in last night and then yeah. All that. Okay. So I'm on the phone with my son, Hey, I'm on my travels home. And he says, he's, he's about to go to bed.
What are you doing, son? And he said, I'm asking Google if Han solo and the millennium Falcon and stormtroopers and princess Leia can all be friends. And I said, you're asking who, and he said that, then he quotes Bush. He says the Google.
And I kid you not guys, the Vocab Man is over for now, but it will continue. Thanks a lot for tuning in. Thanks for listening. And bye.