Dan Kennedy is one of Britain's leading celebrity and portrait photographers. He has photographed all of Hollywood’s A-List from Angelina Jolie to Keira Knightley and Madonna as well as British household names such as David Beckham, Richard Madden and Dua Lipa. He joins Tanya on the podcast this week to talk about how he has designed his life to avoid smartphone and digital distractions and maximise his focus and productivity in his work. The photographer we talk about in the episode is Eric Pickersgill and his project 'removed' is here: https://www.removed.social/ Follow Dan on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dankennedyphoto and Twitter https://www.twitter.com/dkennedyphoto And find out more about his work https://www.https://www.danielkennedy.com/ and his photographic workshops https://www.dankennedyworkshops.com/ For more about Time To Log Off visit the website https://www.itstimetologoff.com Find us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/timetologoff Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timetologoff and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/timetologoffnow For more about Tanya Goodin visit https://www.tanyagoodin.com and https://www.twitter.com/tanyagoodin Find 'Off: Your Digital Detox for a Better Life' on Amazon: https://getBook.at/OFF And 'Stop Staring at Screens' is on Amazon too: https://getBook.at/STOPSTARING