How a young female nurse in a large city hospital handles immigrants (and some citizens) who think they’re entitled to five star hotel treatment for free and why they get it. She also proves that Obamacare is on critical life-support. Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s 3 vital questions every woman must ask any man wanting to date her and one sure giveaway that he’s a loser. Hint: It has to do with his mom. Does he love her? Too much? If civilization was left up to women, we’d still be living in grass huts. Seriously! Who said that? But it’s true. It’s also true that there are more female fetuses aborted than male. By their feminists moms! Why so many LUGS (lesbians until graduation) but not so many HUGS. Best sign of impending national extinction—Participation Prizes: Learn from Steelers linebacker James Harrison.