In this episode of The Sexual Wellness sessions hosted by Psychosexual & Relationship Therapist Kate Moyle, we're talking about asexuality and aromanticism with model, writer and activist Yasmin Benoit. We cover the language we use around sexuality, common assumptions, and why Yasmin felt that it was important to open up the conversation and highlight diversity within the asexual community by creating the hashtag #thisiswhatasexuallookslike
According to AVEN ( The Asexual Visibility And Education Network ) the definition of asexuality is someone who does not experience sexual attraction or an intrinsic desire to have sexual relationships; and aromantics are described as not being romantically attracted to or desiring of romantic relationships at all. There are a range of sexual and romantic orientations; but the point that Yasmin makes is that asexuality is often misconstrued and can be quite invisible, which leaves a gap where those wanting to explore and understand asexuality can find themselves represented.
In late 2017, Yasmin publicly came out as aromantic-asexual and has since focused on raising awareness for asexuality and aromanticism, and dispelling misconceptions about the identities with the goal of diversifying the fashion industry and became one of the UK's most prominent Black alternative models. We talk about how she understood herself as asexual and aromantic, why many people's assumptions and reality don't match up when they think of asexuality, and why we need to rethink some of our ideas about sex and intimacy; and how although the terms are often used synonymously that they are different concepts.