7 Day Seduction Challenge - Day 3 - “Conversation”
Dec 20, 2023
Learn how to stay engaged in conversations with women, even during moments of silence. Get tips on approaching women, using a specific opener, and discussing astrology. Overcome the discomfort of starting conversations and develop the necessary skills for engaging interactions. Push yourself to start conversations with strangers and learn from the experience.
Continuing conversations even when unsure improves confidence and improvisational skills.
Effective openers and engaging topics like astrology can enhance conversations with women.
Deep dives
Importance of Continuing Conversations
The third episode of the podcast focuses on the importance of continuing conversations when talking to women. The host emphasizes that many guys tend to start a conversation but then abruptly end it due to discomfort or nervousness. By staying in the conversation even when unsure of what to say, individuals can train themselves to become more confident and improve their improvisational skills. The host shares a personal example and encourages listeners to watch a video on his website as a demonstration. The goal for this challenge is to have three conversations with different women, trying to continue the conversation for as long as possible.
Effective Openers and Conversation Topics
In this episode, the host provides guidance on effective openers and conversation topics. He suggests using a simple opener like 'Hey, two seconds, I want to come and meet you' and then asking the person about their place of origin. The host also shares an intriguing topic to discuss - astrology - and recommends watching a video for a detailed demonstration. He reminds listeners that the aim of the challenge is simply to engage in conversation, encouraging them to take note of their interactions and review them for learning and improvement.
Challenge Details and Benefits of Overcoming Discomfort
The host outlines the details of the challenge for day three, which includes having three conversations with different women in various settings. He suggests locations such as grocery stores, bars, clubs, and shopping areas. The host clarifies that the objective is not to obtain phone numbers or have the most interesting conversations, but rather to practice staying in the conversation and overcoming discomfort. He emphasizes the value of utilizing improvisational skills and reinforces that the more one engages in this challenge, the better they will become at conversing with women.
One of the biggest mistakes guys make when having conversations with girls is exiting when they run out of things to say. So let's go over how to train yourself to stay in there, even during moments of silence, so she doesn't see you as a nervous guy who doesn't have much to say.