The podcast explores the mysterious disappearance of two Swedish backpackers in New Zealand in 1989. They uncover new witnesses and evidence, including the unreliable testimony of a jailhouse informant. The search for the missing woman, Heidi, continues as they explore a remote and overgrown area. A crucial sighting of a white Subaru provides important evidence. The host also connects with listeners through music and invites engagement on social media.
The search for a rock memorializing Sven Urban Hoglund proves challenging, highlighting the difficulty of finding key evidence in a remote location.
The credibility of jailhouse informant testimonies, including those of Secret Witnesses A, B, and C, is questioned, emphasizing the need for scrutiny and safeguards in considering such evidence.
Deep dives
Searching for the Rock
Despite the remote location and dense foliage, the search for a specific rock memorializing Sven Urban Hoglund proves challenging. The area is filled with rocks, but the one they are looking for remains elusive. The rock, which sits higher than others in the area, holds significance as it marks the spot where Urban's body was discovered. Multiple searches are conducted, crawling through ferns and scraping moss off rocks, but the memorial rock remains hidden. Police tags from the original investigation are found, serving as eerie reminders of the past. The search continues, but the rock is yet to be found.
Jailhouse Informant Testimonies
The credibility of jailhouse informant testimonies, specifically those of Secret Witnesses A, B, and C, is called into question. Each witness offered damning evidence against David Wayne Tomahidi, claiming he had confessed to his involvement in the murders. However, inconsistencies and motivations for reduced sentences raise doubts about their reliability. Secret Witness C, Roberto Conci Harris, originally confessed to lying on the stand but later retracted his statement. The unreliability of these witnesses undermines the integrity of the justice system, and their testimonies should be scrutinized.
Burial Site Discovery
The location where Urban Hoggland's body was found presents important insights into the case. The glade in the native bush is believed to be the site where Urban and Heidi were initially attacked and where Urban was later murdered. The presence of a new fence at the time indicates that someone brought Urban's remains to this spot, likely in an attempt to hide the crime. The difficult task of dragging a dead body over the fence and deeper into the bush suggests that more than one person may have been involved. The discovery of a sighting of a white Subaru, potentially significant to the case, adds another layer of intrigue to the investigation.
Issues with Jailhouse Informants
The validity of jailhouse informants' testimonies, such as Roberto Conci Harris, is brought into question. Harris, a convicted murderer, provided evidence in multiple trials, including the Tomahide case. However, inconsistencies in his statements, retractions, and motivations for personal gain cast doubt on his credibility. The reliance on such informants as crucial witnesses undermines the fairness of the justice system. The potential impact of their testimonies on innocent individuals highlights the need for stronger scrutiny and safeguards when considering such evidence.
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In 1989 two Swedish backpackers, Heidi Paakkonen and Sven Urban Hoglin arrived in New Zealand for the trip of a lifetime. And never went home. They were last seen alive together in Thames on April 7th 1989. One year after their mysterious disappearance Urban Hoglin's body would be found and confirmed a brutal murder. But to this day Heidi's body has never been found. Season 3 of GUILT will see Ryan attempt to finally bring an end to this mystery and send Heidi home to her family where she belongs. Ryan will uncover never before heard witnesses, fresh evidence in a Season of the podcast that really has to be heard to be believed.
If you have any information relevant to the case of the murder of Heidi Paakkonen and Urban Hoglin in 1989, please contact us. You can do this anonymously at
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