UFO researcher Kathleen Marden is the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, who were the subjects in 1961 of one of the best documented of all abduction experiences. Not only were physical traces left behind, Barney remembered much of what happened to them from the beginning. Here, Kathleen describes the moment the phone rang when she was a 13 year old girl, and it was her Aunt Betty on the phone telling her mother one of the most remarkable stories in history. It later became the book Incident and Exeter, and there is now a memorial plaque along the New Hampshire highway where it happened. But Kathleen and Whitley go FAR BEYOND the Hill story, exploring the close encounter experience and what is unfolding now among close encounter witnesses since abductions have become rare. Don’t miss a single word of this great interview, especially as they get into the richness of the current close encounter experience and compare it, as really nobody else can, to what has come before. We are waking up, and Kathleen’s work reflects that. If you want to get involved with other experiencers who are on a path to awakening about what happened to them, go to The-Awakening-Souls.com and join. Whitley did! Visit Whitley Strieber's site, and consider becoming a subscriber! https://www.unknowncountry.com