Exploring the concept of burden and responsibility in Islam, addressing the question of why Muslims commit suicide, and emphasizing the importance of upholding Allah's word and following his commandments.
Suburb does not mean passively enduring difficulties, but rather includes the responsibility of upholding Allah's word. It refers to fulfilling the burdens placed on us, such as being honest, kind to parents, and humble. These burdens are within our capabilities and are not related to natural calamities or psychological challenges.
Taking an Active Approach in Dealing with Challenges
Suburb involves not only praying and making du'a, but also taking action to confront and resolve problems. It encourages facing difficult conversations, speaking the truth even when criticized, and actively seeking solutions. The conception of Suburb as passive acceptance is incorrect; instead, it emphasizes the need for agility, confrontational ability, and dealing with problems head-on.
Understanding the Concept of Burden and Responsibility in Islam