On this week’s show: The hunt for natural hydrogen deposits heats up, and why we need a space mission to an ice giant
First up this week: a gold rush for naturally occurring hydrogen. Deputy Editor Eric Hand joins host Sarah Crespi to discuss drilling for hidden pockets of hydrogen, which companies are just now starting to explore as a clean energy option.
Next up, big plans for a mission to Uranus. Kathleen Mandt, a planetary scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, shares what a mission to Uranus could tell us about the formation of our Solar System and all these exoplanets we keep finding.
This week’s episode was produced with help from Podigy.
About the Science Podcast
[Image: Austin Fisher; Music: Jeffrey Cook]
[alt: Uranus illustration with podcast symbol overlay]
Authors: Sarah Crespi; Eric Hand
Episode page: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adh1873