This episode is a continuation of "The Magical Voice - Part 1" and features Gabby, an experienced ritualist, witch, and singer/songwriter who has years of experience weaving music into her rituals and magic. Join Ashley and Gabby as they discuss using your voice in witchcraft. Topics include techniques on how to find your magical voice, spellcrafting and chants, advanced use of the magical voice, and more!. Gabby also includes a plethora of examples of songs and chants to use in your own practice.
You can find Gabby on her website, She can also be tagged in the Witches Seeking Witchcraft Facebook group. You can find Ashley on Twitter (@SeekWitchcraft), Instagram (@seekingwitchcraft), Facebook ("Seeking Witchcraft Podcast" or "Ashley Seekraft"), or the community Facebook group ("Witches Seeking Witchcraft"). Want to support the show and gain bonus community perks and features? You can do so at
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Spring Invocation (Nonesuch):
By Stone of Stone Counterpoint chant:
Young Stag Vocal Drone:
Intoned Drone in 5ths:
The Prophecy (ritual song that has other performance versions):
EARTH SONG - Can be a spell or part of a ritual
Hearken to the song of stone
Borne of breath and naked bone
Hearken to the song of seed
Rhythm of the earth and tree
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