Nikki - In addition to your Senior Policy Advisor role, you are also part of several academic institutions, including one we have in common - Capitol Technology University. Can you talk a little bit about why you wanted to be involved in the technical and academic side? Have their been any benefits you've seen in academia that you've brought to the military space, or vice versa?
Nikki - We're seeing a ton in the news about software supply chain security, zero trust, AI/ML - but not necessarily how they relate to warfare or protecting our critical assets (critical infrastructure). Why do you think we haven't seen as much in this space and what are some of the major risks you're concerned with at the moment?
Chris - We know you've contributed to the National Maritime Cybersecurity Plan - why is it so critical to protect maritime activities from a cybersecurity and national security perspective and how do you see this going so far, since the plan was originally published in 2020?
Chris - Switching from sea, we know you've contributed to some analysis and reporting from FDD on how space systems should be designated as critical infrastructure. Can you explain why that is, and where we have gaps currently?
Nikki - We recently were talking about the US Cyberspace Solarium Commission and you mentioned you contributed to their report on the designation of space systems as critical infrastructure. Do you think we're missing a cyber space command or more legislation/guidance around this area?
Nikki - On the topic of space and cyber, when it comes to critical infrastructure I think we're still lacking in a number of areas for detection/response for critical infrastructure. What are some IR considerations or potentially research we need in this space?
Chris - In a previous role you served as the Director of International Cybersecurity Policy. International cyber activities and policies were also emphasized in the recent National Cyber Strategy. Can you tell us a bit about that experience and why international collaboration is key in the cybersecurity realm?
Nikki - Since you went to UMD - I have to ask. Are you getting some MD crabs this summer?6. What does cyber resiliency mean to you