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Patrick Madrid tackled a great question that could make you scratch your head a bit!
How is it logical for God to create everything out of nothing?
Our buddy Anonymous Andy from Rhode Island wrote in with a serious theological puzzle. He gets that God is logical and cannot create contradictions (like a four-sided triangle or a married bachelor). Then Andy hits us with the question:
"If God created everything out of nothing, isn’t that a contradiction too?"
Patrick’s Breakdown: Why This Isn’t a Contradiction
1. A Contradiction = Two Opposing Truths at the Same Time
A four-sided triangle is actually impossible because "triangle" means "three-sided figure." If you try to add a fourth side, it's no longer a triangle. That’s a logical contradiction. Creating something out of nothing, however, is not.
2. God IS Existence Itself (Remember the Burning Bush?)
Patrick takes us to Exodus 3, where Moses asks God, “Who should I say sent me?” and God replies:
Not "I have being" but "I AM being." Unlike us, who received existence from something before us (our parents), God didn’t get existence from anything: He IS existence.
3. Everything in Creation Had a Beginning
Everything we see: planets, people, Patrick Madrid’s radio show, came into existence because something caused it to exist. Here’s the important thing: there has to be a first cause, something that always existed and started it all.
That "something" is God: the uncaused cause, the prime mover, the reason anything exists at all.
4. "Before" Creation? There Was No "Before"!
We’re stuck thinking in terms of time, but time itself is part of creation. Saying, "What happened before creation?" is like asking, "What’s north of the North Pole?" (Nothing.)
When God created, it wasn’t like He was sitting around twiddling His divine thumbs. There was no "before": only God, eternally existing.
5. It’s About God’s Power, Not a Magic Trick
Creation ex nihilo (out of nothing) doesn’t mean "poof!" in a magician sort of way. It means that God, who IS existence, shares existence with created things. He isn’t reshaping pre-existing stuff like some cosmic Play-Doh; He gives being itself.
Final Takeaway: It's All About God’s Nature
Patrick wraps it up by emphasizing:
Creating out of nothing isn’t a contradiction; it’s the logical result of who God is.
If God wasn't the uncaused cause, nothing else could exist.
He created not because He needed to, but out of love.
God creating out of nothing isn’t like a square circle; it's the only way anything could exist at all.