In this intriguing podcast, a New York psychiatrist begins treating a patient claiming to be from the future. The patient challenges the psychiatrist to ask about how the world ends, revealing a mysterious time traveler.
Understanding the future's potential dangers is more important than proving time travel.
Beatrix challenges Peter to believe her without evidence, emphasizing the importance of trust.
Deep dives
The Unusual Statement and Identity
A time traveler from the year 2062, claiming to be named Beatrix, interacts with Peter Reuter. Beatrix challenges Peter to believe her without evidence, insisting that she is the first piece of evidence herself. Peter is intrigued and questions Beatrix's true identity.
The Right Questions and the World's End
Beatrix prompts Peter to ask her about how the world ends instead of focusing on her identity. This shift in focus suggests that understanding the future and its potential dangers might be more important than establishing proof of time travel. The audio series K63, available on Spotify, explores these thought-provoking themes.
New York psychiatrist Dr. Eliza Knight (Academy Award winner Julianne Moore) begins treating a patient registered as Case 63 (Emmy nominee Oscar Isaac) who claims to be from the year 2062. What begins as routine therapeutic sessions quickly turns into a story that threatens the boundaries of the possible and the real. Out now. Follow & listen for free on Spotify.