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Over the last few weeks, Dave has been traveling to a ton of different events. In his travels, he always has take-aways. Listen to some of his Aha Moments from the road recently.
Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business:
Quotable Moments:
"People pay for outcomes more than they pay for time."
"It’s marketing that makes people take action."
"You can’t serve people without selling."
"You can’t grow until you buy."
Other Tidbits:
Hear more stories like this at Funnel Hacking Live February 19-23. Get your tickets now before they are gone!
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Speaker 1: 00:00 Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here's your host, Dave Woodward.
Speaker 2: 00:17 Welcome back everybody. This is going to be kind of days ramps for the road. I've been traveling quite a bit. I'm going to start kicking up even more recently here at. You've got a lot of things going on, so it's been a lot of crazy thoughts. This is we're going to be a Potpourri of thoughts and things that had happened. I had been doing a lot of reading marketing books that person development books, business books. I'm speaking to a ton of different people recently, so this is going to be some of a whole bunch of just block, but I want to get it out to you guys and want to make sure you can share with us and make sure you understand some of the value that a of what I'm seeing these days. So first one is, and I've talked about this one before, but I cannot stress the importance of a story inventory.
Speaker 2: 00:57 So right now if you do not have a story inventory, you've got to write this down, air lock this thing, uh, do whatever it takes to make sure that you don't forget, start creating your story. Inventory. Store inventory is one of the things you're going to use whenever you find yourself in a situation that you have to explain things. It's all goes back to the kind of like bridges that Russell's talked about for years and it's been so fun. I was with Russell and Dan as we were traveling. I think we were in Chicago last two weeks ago and when we landed it was fascinating because all of a sudden we land and I think I had made, it was a red eye flight. We had an hour and a half, two hours of sleep exhausted and all of us were just kind of dragging.
Speaker 2: 01:39 Would come down the escalator. As soon as we hit the escalator, a land down to the bottom. It's in the Chicago airport, it'll hair. You have these underground pathways that just lead forever. I'm sure it's due to all the snow and stuff that get out there, but we hit there and above these walking. I'm walking little escalators, but walking paths, motorized, walking past, whatever you call those things. Soon as we got down there above them, are there all these little crazy lights and russell literally state totally changed. It's like, oh my gosh, I totally remember this place. I remember exactly this place and I was here with my dad and his state totally changed and Dan and are like, whoa, Whoa, whoa. We gotta capture this. So Dan grabbed his camera. He's like, all right, what backstory? What are we talking now? What are you talking about?
Speaker 2: 02:26 So the key to a lot of story inventory, you've got to have a backstory. You got to help people understand what's going on. So the backstory to it was Russell and his dad, the last time Russell was in that airport that you remembered was with his dad when he was in high school and they were coming out for the national wrestling, a meet and the emotion that Russell felt it was the craziest thing for me to see was literally changed from being exhausted to totally in state of being in that moment with his dad and when you're telling your stories, you've gotta be able to get in that moment for yourself. Tell bring other people into that moment with you. And Dan was just doing an amazing job as well. Russell, tell me about this. How were you feeling when this happened? How are you feeling when this happened?
Speaker 2: 03:07 Tell me about this. And so we're on this walk, this electronic moving path. Dan's in front with the camera. I'm on the other side with the different cameras looking at film and the story has Russell's telling us all of the raw emotions as a teenager that he had with his dad going to nationals, setting the goal, setting the dream of someday, Dad, I'm gonna. Be here, and it was fascinating, fascinating to see exactly the state that person can get into and then help other people get into that. A similar type of estate, so when you're telling your stories, first of all, you got to create a story inventory. Then you got to practice your stories. It's kind of like a comedian. Russell made mentioned this on his podcast. I've heard it from Dean Grasiozi. I was talking to a buddy of mine, Keith Yackey is going to be doing some, uh, he's doing some standup comedy and it's interesting to see all any comedian.
Speaker 2: 03:56 They basically start practicing their jokes. They've, they know certain jokes they're going to land for sure. And then they'll always toss into kind of a teaser or testing joke or testing story and they start practicing these stories. I've seen this with Russell where he will practices stories multiple times. You'll end up telling a story to me. I'll tell it to bread. I'll tell it to John. He will tell it to todd and Dale and seeing what type of reaction does he get out of it. Tells Julie and then keeps fine tuning and fine tune and then you'll take that story after he's told her one on one and then start doing small groups and then I'll actually do it on a podcast. Then they'll do it on facebook live. Then they'll actually take it like right now he's actually in San Diego just about ready to go on stage here in the next 45 minutes to a group and to make sure that every single person is a part of of exactly what's going on and so they can feel it.
Speaker 2: 04:47 They can test it, they can understand it, and they can experience that. So the whole idea behind this is to make sure that you're practicing your stories at different levels to perfect them so that you can actually tell them what the same impact with the same emotion as if it was happening to you live right then and there. So great storytellers have the ability to get into that state. I've seen it with Tony Robbins where he's told the same stories that a thousand times, but it can get in the same state, which then helps other people get in that state, so when you look at it, storytelling, a mixture, you're creating a story inventory and then start practicing those stories. Talk to the different people, see what the reaction is. Asos, we, you know, loving care about. You say, what can I do to make this story better?
Speaker 2: 05:25 How can I connect better with you? How can I get more emotion out of what I'm saying? That you can actually feel it because stories are all about eliciting emotion and feeling so that's the first thing. You have a store inventory. Practice your stories and make sure they work. The next thing. This totally, again, these are all random. Next thing here is a calendar as a reflection of your goals and your priorities. I've been doing a lot of things. I'm trying to become a better dad, a better husband, a better at every little aspect of my life, but really focusing right now on a lot of family stuff. I spent a lot of time with work and I love what I do and I love my kids and my family even more and that's why I do what I do, get my calendar doesn't reflect that as much.
Speaker 2: 06:05 Um, I'm a huge believer in, in dating my wife, but I don't, it's not in my calendar. And so I started actually putting it at the beginning of the month yet. Okay sweetheart, what are the actual dates we're going to do this and this month I've got a ton of travel. So I was like, holy cow, had I not done that, I would've missed three or four dates for my wife because I'm just not in town on the weekend. So we actually are doing our dates midweek and had I not actually set a time in advance and blocked it out on my calendar, those never would have happened. So realize that your calendar actually is going to reflection of your goals and your priorities. Uh, for me, one of the things I'm really trying to get better at is working out on a regular basis. And so you'll see at 5:00 in the morning, I'm at the gym, do Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and that's in the calendar.
Speaker 2: 06:49 It's right there. Uh, it makes it a priority, spending time attending my kids' Games, uh, there in football right now. So football games or are super important and that's what's going on right now. Did you focus on making sure that you're looking at your calendar and your calendar is a reflection of your goals, your priorities. You'll find that you actually get more things done. Most importantly, you'll get the things that are most important done first. And next thing I want to talk to you guys about is the importance of outcomes. I would have been, right now we're spending a lot of time creating what we refer to as the four Rs. That's a four r document. Alex Charfen talked about this quite a bit. And whole idea behind this is each position, each job description actually has four rs to it. The first one is the role.
Speaker 2: 07:29 The role basically is what's the title, what's the compensation, what's the overall all ideas far behind that. The next thing is the actual requirements of that job, so what are the things they actually you have to do? Third thing, they are the results and the fourth thing then would be, I'm sorry, the second one is the root is the responsibilities, so one of the things I doing on a regular basis, they need to to actually do, to get the third thing, the third thing, then be in the results and the fourth thing then will be requirements, so the requirements, so you need to have a this skill or this skill or this skills as kind of a bare bones basic type of requirements. So those. That's what brief references as far as the four r document. If you wanna find out more about it, check out.
Speaker 2: 08:07 Alex sharpens a Huffington post article, so you just Google for ours. Alex Charfen, it'll come up, but I want to talk to you right now about when you start looking at those. For ours, the one that's actually most important that it's a in the document is actually third and that is results. One of the things we find as we start working with a lot of people that you've got to employees and you start to look at your own life. Too often we get focused on what being busy and busy. This means nothing. All that matters is what's the outcome. It's and people pay for outcomes more than they pay for time. So it's not the time or the task that matters. It's what the outcome is. And I've seen this happen a ton and uh, as I've hired consultants, I've worked with people, I don't care what it takes to get it done all at once.
Speaker 2: 08:50 I want it done. So whatever it takes to get it done, that's what I want to pay for. A same type of thing. We've had contractors over the house doing different stuff. I'm like, I don't care how many hours it takes. I just want this one thing finished so I will pay you to get it done. I don't care if it takes you 10 hours. If it takes two hours, I'm going to pay just for the result I'm paying for the outcome. So when you start looking at hiring people and you look at your business, focus on what are the outcomes when you're looking at selling, what people want to buy, our outcomes they want. What I want is I want to actually get a facebook ad up and running, making money. That's my outcome. I don't care it as far as understanding ad manager and all the different tasks and everything else.
Speaker 2: 09:29 What I want is I want the outcome. Uh, if you're a consultant and you're looking and you're working or an agency, people want the funnel built, they want, they don't care about all the time and effort you put into it. All they want is the end product. So as you start managing people, as you start looking at products is realize what people want are outcomes. And so focus more on the outcomes. Then a long laundry list of all the to do's and everything else. So if you focus more on the outcomes, you actually will get more outcomes. And that's what people want. Most. Number four is a confession here. And this confession actually is, I have ruined my family. I have totally ruined them. I have it. They can't go into the, can't see anything on TV. They can't go to the grocery store to go shopping without thinking like a marketer.
Speaker 2: 10:12 My entire family now, things like marketers as funny. The other day I, my boys were home and they were talking about, uh, uh, I forget exactly what it was like, oh my gosh, did I totally messed this up? If they had closed it this way or this way or this way, we actually would have bought from him. And I'm like, you guys all think like marketers. It's been a ton of fun, but our conversations these days revolve a ton around marketing. My boys are a little bit older. I gotta get, I've gotTa Chandler's 22, Parker's 20 Christians, 17 and Jackson's 15, but it's fun. I'm almost all listened to Russell's marketing secrets and we spent a lot of time watching funnelhacker radio or funnel hacker TV and it's been fun because they started thinking more like marketers and the reason why it's as you look at ruining your family in that way, it's really kind of fun because now conversations are around marketing and realize the whole reason why marketing matters so much is it's marketing that makes people take action and if you start looking at the way people take actions and moving their life, it's the marketing that gets put in place for them to actually think and to take the actions that they need to actually make things work in their life.
Speaker 2: 11:21 So for me, it's actually as much as I've ruined the middle and they all just think like marketers, it's been a ton of fun. So I'd recommend a. spend some time with your kids and your family and talk more about marketing. I remember years ago we started off watching shark tank and I was. I spent a lot of time with the kids. Said, okay, I need you to tell me how much is that company worth while they want $100,000 for 10 percent of the company? Well, what's that mean? The value of the company, his head, so all of a sudden they're doing math without realizing they're doing math, but I guess dad, that's, that's a million dollar company. Is it really worth that? Well, let's listen to and find out, and so as you start paying attention to marketing and you start having those kinds of conversations, it's actually a ton of fun.
Speaker 2: 11:59 Your family. More importantly, you actually will find that it starts motivating your family and your kids to start realizing what's it take for them to set things in their own life in motion. I'm number five. Here is one of the things that kind of ties into similar thing as far as marketing, but the idea here for a lot most people don't understand is you can't serve people without selling. I'm going to do a podcast later that's going to talk about my fear of selling, but for years I was always afraid of selling and what I've realized is I you cannot serve people without providing opportunities for them to buy and too often as marketers and as as people who are doing this as a business, the selling asking for the sale is so painful. It's so hard. It's like, no, I just. That's so far in my comfort zone.
Speaker 2: 12:48 I don't want to do that. Realize until there's an exchange that there can be no value given and I really want to make sure you understand that you cannot serve people until you sell them something. All the free content that you put out there, all of the things that allows them to opt in until they actually spend money with you. That's the only time that you can really serve them a everything else that you can be adding value in their life, but there's no true service given until they exchange money and it goes back to the whole idea as far as people who pay play. In other words, people who actually pay you money, those are the people who are going to take action and until they take action in their life, nothing else matters. There's so many people sit on the sidelines of life consuming massive amounts of content, but they never actually implement that or take action.
Speaker 2: 13:36 So realize you cannot serve people until you sell them something and you can't grow until you buy. So you need to be on both sides of that coin. You've got to be a buyer and you've got to be a seller, and the more you sell, the more value you will be able to give to people. The more you buy, the more value be able to consume, which in turn will then help you basically be able to serve people at a greater event later in your life as well. So please understand the importance of selling. I'm sure a lot is random potpourri type of thoughts I've had going, but I want to make sure that you understand this. The last one here was a one where actually refers to golf. Uh, so we just bought a house, built a house on a golf course. Uh, it's something I've always wanted to do.
Speaker 2: 14:18 I used to play golf when I was younger and it was always a fun, fun experience for me and I thought, you know what, these days I actually want to live on a golf course and have my kids get involved in golf. So as I mentioned, my boys are getting older and my wife's an avid runner and so it's been one of those things as a family, since we actually live on the golf course, we can go out real even late at night and just hit a couple of holes and just have fun as a family. It's been kind of a fun family sport, but one of the things you'll find in golf as far as the way people keep score is you'll hear people talk about par, about bogey, about double bogeys birdies, eagles, all kind of stuff. So real quick lesson in keeping score in golf par is what a good person should be able to get for that whole.
Speaker 2: 14:58 So that's kind of the benchmark. So if it's a par three means you should be able to get the ball from the tee, shot into the hole in three shots. If the for. Obviously it's for if the par five, it's five shots to get there. So that's par. A birdie is one less than par. So it's a par four and you've got to three, you got a Birdie, and if it's an eagle that means it's two less than par. So if it's a par five and you got three, you got an eagle, which is like amazing. On the flip side of the coin, we can go in the other direction. A bogey is one over par and a double bogey is too overpowering. But the real issue, when you start taking a look at what a double bogey really means and how this applies to you and your own life, typically the reason you hit the reason you get a bogey is because you had a bad shot.
Speaker 2: 15:44 That's why you're one over par is because you've got a bad shot and you're having to correct for that. A double bogey comments when you have a bad shot followed by a stupid shot, and what I mean by that is frequently when you're. When you're playing golf, you'll hit a bad shot and then you'll think, you know what? I know I'm kind of in the trees over here, but if I hit, I hit my ball just right and I get just underneath or between these two branches I can actually get on the green and not only saved my buggy, but actually might actually get to a par and she take a stupid shot trying to do this miraculous shot in an effort to save, save par, and what happens is you're taking a stupid shot and you're going to end up with a double bogey or possibly even a triple bogey.
Speaker 2: 16:25 So the reason I mentioned that is in life, the same thing happens where sometimes we make mistakes. There's nothing wrong with making a mistake. The hard part is when obviously you make a mistake and then you make a stupid mistake right after that, trying to compensate for it. Whereas in golf, the easy thing to do is if you make a bad shot, instead of trying to hit this miraculous shot, just take an easy shot, a simple shot where it's going to put you back in the fairway, which is the main green. If you just, instead of you're in the rough, you're in a bad shot. Instead of trying to hit this miraculous one, just take a simple shot, put it back into play and then take another shot from there. Same thing in life where in life, if your find yourself sitting there where you take something happens and it's just a bad decision, don't make a stupid decision trying to compensate that.
Speaker 2: 17:11 Just take a safe shot, make it easy and then go ball ball and make it happen. So those are some of the thoughts I've been having recently as I've been out to do it. A lot of the crazy stuff as I've been traveling, I run across all these crazy thoughts and ideas and I just, uh, I tend to run it down and sometimes I just throw them at you. Hopefully there was something of value here. If not, I apologize you spent the last 15 minutes. Listen to me anyways. Have an amazing day. If you haven't gotten your tickets to funnel hacking live, by all means, I don't know why you wouldn't, but please go to funnel hacking We'd love to see in Nashville it's going to be February the 29th, a 20th through the 23rd of two Thousand Nineteen February 20th through 23rd 2019 in Nashville.
Speaker 2: 17:52 Can't wait to see you again. If you don't mind. I love to get feedback from you. If you're liking these types of podcasts, especially this one, I know I'm all over the board on this one, but if it's a value to you, let me know. Send me an Instagram, a personal message or facebook pm or email me or whatever, reach out to me. Let me know what your thoughts are. I appreciate it. Again, if you don't mind, rate, rate, rate, and review this on itunes and share this. Thanks so much. Have an amazing day and hopefully our paths will cross soon.
Speaker 3: 18:19 Hey everybody. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to the podcast. If you don't mind, could you please share this with others, rate and review this podcast on itunes. It means the world to me or I'm trying to get to as a million downloads here in the next few months and just crush through over $650,000 and I just want to get that next few 100,000 so we can get to a million downloads and see really what I can do to help improve and and get this out to more people. At the same time. If there's a topic, there's something you'd like me to share or someone you'd like me to interview, by all means, just reach out to me on facebook. You can pm me and I'll be more than happy to take any of your feedback as well as if there's people like me to interview more than happy to reach out and have that conversation with you. So again, go to Itunes, rate and review this. Share this podcast with others and let me know how else I can improve this or what I can do that do to make this better for you guys. Thanks.