n this amazing episode of Dreamland, Robert W. Sullivan IV returns to talk about movie symbolism–and it turns out to be one of the most powerful and provocative shows we have ever done! Robert not only clues us in to the hidden symbolism that exists in the movies, he and Whitley go deeper in the third half hour, describing how to turn your enjoyment of great movies like the Star Wars Trilogy and Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies into a transformative part of your own inner journey! Nobody–but nobody–has ever talked about these subjects in this way before. Nobody has any real idea that there is a profound spiritual journey on offer in the movies, but it is there. For example, did you know that Gnosticism and Alchemy play a huge role in the movies, and that Jacob’s Ladder is really the Ladder of Osiris, that is to say, the spine, and that the creators of the film clearly understood this?