Shop for Performance Dog Food, Treats, Apparel & more!Welcome to the first Q&A session here on Mike Drop! Today Mike answers viewer's questions for YouTube, Instagram and even Facebook. Have a question for Mike comment below and maybe he will answer your question on the next Q&A show. I hope you enjoy this episode of Mike Drop, if you don't, you know what to do. Sponsored by ----------Table of Timestamps:0:00 - Intro1:30 - Tell us a little bit about your Tattoos2:55 - F*** one, marry one, Kill one3:14 - What's your favorite EDC handgun? 4:19 - What was the scariest mission you have been on 5:10 - Having a stubborn dog issue 7:51- How many times have you choke yourself 7:59 - Have you ever had any equipment fail on you? 8:45 - What is mike like? 9:51 -What's the best life advice you have got from someone? 10:40 - Did you have dogs growing up or get them after the military 11:27 - Would you rather be immortal or be able to read peoples thoughts? 12:10 - What's your take on the Mark Owen interview?12:40 - If you had to pick one candy for the rest of your life?12:50- What's the best lesson you learned the hard way14:38- If you didn't go to the seals what job do you see yourself doing15:17- What do you really think is going on worldwide17:05- You usually ask people how a certain issue affect them 23:28- Do you believe being fully dedicated to a job25:17- What do you think about rottweilers 27:56- How do seals avoid being deployed29:28- If you had the time what would you want to learn to do 30:47- What do you like to do 31:00- If you could have stay in the teams would you have done a full career31:37- How many dogs would you give away for free to get on Joe Rogan 32:10- What's the biggest similarity between humans and dogs33:47- What are my three favorite moments when you were in35:34- What are your Strategy 37:08- Do you think the job get watered down38:29- What kind of jeans do you wear 39:07- what do you want to be when you grow up40:00- Are there examples of you doing something dumb on the teams