Full Transcript:
Shenanigans shenanigans.
Hi, Mr. Vocab man, I really love your podcast and I'd like if you could make an episode of my favorite word, the word is shenanigans. I'm looking forward to hear this episode on my favorite podcast and wish you all the best. And I hope you keep going with the good work. Thank you very much.
0:21 Clip 1
Because when we looked at the national DNA. You could see that it didn't look actually totally different from human DNA. So as you know, you got half your DNA from your mom and half from your dad, right? So 50 50. And then you've got about 25% of your DNA from each of your grandparents and then different amounts from other ancestors.
And when we look at people today, we find we have chunks of DNA that are from a Neandertal ancestor.
I've got a bit in my DNA, Yeah me too. Yeah. We only one way to get a chunk of DNA from somebody else. Yeah, shenanigans. There was some serious interaction between modern humans and Neanderthals. You are shocking the parents!
Shenanigans is an informal noun and usually used in the plural form "shenanigans".
So in short it means mischief or prankishness. As in Halloween shenanigans, or it could also mean deceit or trickery as in a mischievous or deceitful trick practice, et cetera.
1:22 clip 2
And after remembered this reverberated after the real estate crash, after the dot com crash and there, and there really was this feeling, can we, can the United States create a real economy?
Not based on shenanigans not based on a price bubble on an exotic mortgage instrument. And, there were, there were really some doubts.
Is shenanigans a bad word. What do you think guys? Well, though many might think of shenanigans as harmless pranks or behavior, most dictionary definitions, give them a slightly evil cast.
And what about shenanigans used as an interjection? Well shenanigans denotes a person or event suspect of unscrupulous or dishonest conduct? If one believes they bear witness to such an occurrence, they should immediately call shenanigans to draw attention to it.
2:27 clip 3
In the film, he toyed with the defense department and eventually scared the pants off
everyone making it seem like a Russian nuclear launch was imminent. You would think that the systems in place to make nuclear winds possible would be secure enough to not be susceptible to computer shenanigans.
2:41 clip 4 with Obama
The accounting statements that they put out there and they've got to sign a bottom line and they're going to be directly liable.
If, uh, if for some reason it turns out that there were some shenanigans going on there. So, you know, this is, this raises a broader question about regulation
2: 57 Outro
I must admit that this episode was quite hard to follow, even for the Vocab man. So, but don't worry. We have a transcript available. So the vocab man is also going to have to take a closer look to the transcript of the various audio clips integrated in this episode because there are many useful but difficult vocabularies inside a special thank goes to my all time favorite listener, Nicole, thank you so much.
Thank you for listening. And before you go, I just want to show you the teaser of the newest episode of my other podcast called my fluent podcast.
3:43 teaser/trailer for newest episode of my fluent podcast:
I interviewed English teacher Hamid from Pakistan and he shared with us how we should learn a language. Here's the teaser. And bye.
You know what I tell my students, I tell them that the child has no ego issues. We have ego issues, but I have some motion for that. So what I do. I write the word ego on the board. E G O and I convert the letter O into G. So the ego becomes egg. Then I tell them convert this ego into an egg and break it. In a learning situation. Forget about your ego. We're all language learners. There is no good or bad learner. We're all learners. We are all the same. We all make mistakes. Leave your ego outside your class and enjoy it. And some learners do that. They managed to break or convert ego into an egg and break it !The way you did!
Here ist he link to the episode:
https://myfluentpodcast.libsyn.com/episode-83www.myfluentpodcast.commyfluentpodcast@gmail.comWhat expressions do you want us to cover? Tell us!!