Nathaniel Gillis | Alien Demons, Hijacking The Mortal Portal, & The Collins Elite
Aug 19, 2023
A religious demonologist and author, Nathaniel Gillis, discusses his research on haunting phenomena, ghosts, and high strangeness. Topics include self-replicating ghost fetuses, the connection between the dream world and entities, ancient demonic connections with UFO abductions, and the hidden nature of the phenomenon. The podcast also explores the relationship between Bigfoot sightings and orbs, and provides book recommendations and social media follow-up.
Supernatural beings manipulate humans through deception, technology, and impersonation to gain consent for their agenda.
These beings play by their own set of rules, disregarding traditional beliefs and exploiting human consciousness.
Researchers should look beyond secondary manifestations like orbs and apparitions to understand the true nature and intentions of supernatural entities.
Deep dives
The Deceptive Nature of Phenomenon
The podcast episode explores the deceptive tactics used by beings from different dimensions or realms. These beings manipulate humans through various means, such as impersonating loved ones, engaging in sexual encounters, and using technology. Their goal seems to be to gain consent or involvement from humans as part of their agenda. The episode highlights case studies where individuals have experienced encounters with these beings, including sexual fluid extraction and simulated pregnancy. The discussion also delves into the concept of hybrid beings, the manipulation of consciousness and memories, and the use of rituals and incantations.
Unveiling the Rules and Game of the Phenomenon
The podcast delves into the rules or lack thereof, followed by these supernatural beings. While traditional beliefs suggest certain rules, the experiences shared in the episode indicate that these rules can be manipulated or disregarded. The beings play by their own set of rules, which can involve deception, playing on belief systems, and manipulating consent. The episode raises questions about who truly conjures whom and the interaction between human consciousness and these entities. It suggests that the beings have a heightened understanding of human existence and use this knowledge to their advantage.
Predenatural Epiphenomenal Philosophy and Unraveling the Facades
The podcast discusses the concept of predenatural epiphenomenal philosophy, which highlights the secondary consequences or projections of these supernatural beings. It explores how researchers often focus on these secondary manifestations rather than the true essence of the phenomenon. The episode emphasizes the importance of looking beyond the facades created by these beings, such as apparitions or orbs, to understand the true nature and intentions of these entities. It encourages a deeper exploration of the layers and dimensions involved, as well as a questioning of our current understanding of consciousness and reality.
The Phenomenon of Dream Demons
The podcast explores the phenomenon of dream demons and their ability to interact with humans in dream states. These entities are believed to induce nightmares and possess individuals, leaving physical marks on their bodies. The speaker discusses the possibility of these entities being pregnancy-like entities that implant consciousness into their victims. The focus is on the control and manipulation exhibited by these dream demons, as well as their evolving tactics.
The Connection Between UFO Abductions and Demonic Entities
The podcast delves into the connection between UFO abductions and demonic entities. It discusses the work of a group within the Department of Defense known as the Collins Elite, who investigate the demonological connections with UFO abductions. The speaker emphasizes that these entities are not extraterrestrial in nature, but rather hyper-intelligent beings using demonology and the E.T. hypothesis as masks. The focus is on the potential agenda of these entities, which involves controlling and hijacking human life in various ways.
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