Episode 4: Toxic Wellness Culture: How It Invalidates Trauma & Keeps Us Stuck & Sick
Oct 21, 2020
This podcast explores toxic wellness culture and how it invalidates trauma and keeps us stuck. It discusses the cycle of illness perpetuated by toxic wellness culture and the negative impact it has on mental and physical health. The speakers emphasize the importance of healing trauma and breaking free from the obsession with symptoms and external fixes. They challenge the idea that symptoms should be fixed and advocate for a paradigm shift in how we think about health and wellness. The podcast also highlights the importance of embracing one's humanity and intuitively healing trauma for holistic well-being.
Toxic wellness culture invalidates trauma and keeps trauma survivors stuck in cycles of trying physical remedies instead of addressing the underlying emotional and mental aspects of their trauma.
True healing comes from acknowledging and addressing trauma, rather than fixating on diets, supplements, and protocols.
Deep dives
Toxic Wellness Culture: How it Invalidates Trauma
Toxic wellness culture is explored in this episode, highlighting how it perpetuates a cycle of illness and invalidates those with trauma. It sells the idea that the answer to every symptom lies in more food restrictions, finding the right practitioner, or the right supplements. However, many chronic health issues are actually connected to trauma and manifest physically. The culture keeps individuals on a carousel, constantly seeking the next miracle fix. It obsesses over diets, supplements, and protocols instead of addressing trauma. The key to healing lies in acknowledging trauma and understanding that it impacts our physical well-being.
The Fallacy of Toxic Wellness Culture
Toxic wellness culture creates an obsession with health, making individuals believe they can micromanage and control their bodies. It makes us believe that the answer to our chronic health issues lies in more practitioners, more diet restrictions, and more supplements. However, this mindset perpetuates a cycle of illness and prevents us from healing trauma. Our bodies are incredibly capable of self-regulation, and true healing comes from understanding and addressing trauma, not fixating on external solutions.
Escaping Toxic Wellness Culture
Getting out of toxic wellness culture requires a paradigm shift. It involves choosing to stop obsessing over symptoms and health issues, and instead focusing on self-love and acceptance. The answer to our healing is not found in diets, supplements, or protocols, but within ourselves. We must let go of the desire to control the uncontrollable and release fears and expectations. Healing trauma is a journey that requires discomfort and introspection, allowing us to break free from toxic wellness culture and find true well-being.
The Power of Self-Acceptance and Healing Trauma
Healing trauma is the key to wellness and self-love. It involves accepting ourselves, symptoms and all, and recognizing that our bodies communicate through symptoms. Symptom fixation and obsession only perpetuate suffering. True healing comes from addressing the root causes of chronic health issues, which are often trauma-related and stored in our bodies. By acknowledging our trauma and focusing on self-love, we can break free from toxic wellness culture and embrace a holistic approach to healing.
You've tried numerous dietary restrictions, have spent thousands on supplements, and have hopped from one natural practitioner to the next... and you're still chronically ill. Sound familiar? Did you know it never actually ends? The health and wellness industry has convinced us that we're sick and in need of special diets, numerous natural practitioners, supplement protocols, and cleanses to "fix" ourselves. This is a wolf in sheep's clothing that I refer to as "toxic wellness culture". Not only does it keep us over-focused on physical health, it also keeps those of us with trauma stuck in trauma loops -- trying to heal the manifestations of emotional, mental, ancestral, and mental trauma solely with physical means. Toxic wellness culture also invalidates trauma and keeps trauma survivors on a constant carousel, going around and around, trying supplements and restrictive diets, seeing little, if any, improvements. Are you ready to get off the carousel?