In today’s episode, George speaks on some of the lessons that he learned during his time as trader for an international bank in Canada including why he ultimately left the gig to pursue independent trading and focus on TRADEPRO Academy!
Here are the 9 lessons George learned from 7 years in the trading department at Scotiabank
1. The average person doesn’t know what a trader does (09:41)
But assumes they make a ton of money
You only have your colleagues to relate with
And then your life is all about work and hanging with work friends
2. Rich people don’t always make money (12:15)
But they are better investors
Because they know business
Dealt with a lot of high networth clients
The ones with the most money we heard from the least
The $1,000 accounts were daily calling in with fee waivers, etc
3 Retail investors have great ideas, and bad timing (16:19)
They are the frontline consumer
They have the most touch points with end products
Yet they follow advice of people who advertise themselves as advisors
They allow emotions to destroy their otherwise profitable ideas
4 Most investors trade on news outlets (21:23)
Reports in media
We’d read them at desk and predict market flow
But in opposite direction
5. Professional trading doesn’t mean what you think it does (25:41)
You have to pre-clear your personal trades
Plus blackout periods
You go to the back of the order queue
Compliance reviews your account statements and limits where you can open a brokerage account
Proprietary trading is different - you are trading bank capital
Dodd Frank eliminated most of that at banks
Few true prop firms left - most are just churning traders and banking on commission and desk fees
6. Trading is just a sales job (34:03)
Most bank traders clean customer flow
High networth clients get “trade ideas” from their advisors
Advisors read reports from the analyst desk
Advisors make money on commission, not your profi so they are incentivized to turn over the book
7. You are mostly a shrink for your clients (41:35)
You listen to their stories
Some are great
Most are bad and negative energy
8. Very few retail traders win
The more trades and activity (DARTS, which is how brokers make money)
The bigger the loses over the long term
9. The technology and systems that enable you to trade are CRAZY (49:40)
Very sophisticated behind the scenes
It appears as hey “I bought apple”
But the inner workings are insane
It’s all about lowering commissions
Which in turn compresses revenue
And forces brokers to have to be on the edge of “doing what’s best for your client”
Why George left the bank (52:25)
We weren’t helping clients win
We were helping them trade the wrong way and lose their savings
We didn’t work for YOU, we worked for the bottom line of the bank
It made me sick to witness it
And I had a passion to help and to build this industry up
I didn’t wanna just be a part of the system
I wanted to shape it and innovate
Hopefully I’ve delivered, and will continue to
How you can succeed as a retail trader: (55:10)
Join a community - be a sponge
Find a product that works for you
Create a trading plan
Test it on sim
Trade it live
Review, adjust and adapt
Stay in a trading community (or create your own)
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