Women crave ALPHA indifference from masculine men (POWERFUL SEDUCTION)
Oct 10, 2023
This podcast explores the phenomenon of women craving alpha indifference in men and the impact on relationships. It emphasizes the importance of creating tension and excitement. It explores the concept of alpha indifference and its seductive power over women. Additionally, it discusses the significance of unpredictability and self-sufficiency in attracting women. The podcast also delves into why women are attracted to emotional toxicity and temporary pleasure.
Women crave alpha indifference and emotional toxicity in men, leading to increased attraction and desire.
To attract women, men should maintain unpredictability, emotional detachment, and focus on stimulating their emotions rather than materialistic traits.
Deep dives
Alpha indifference and emotional toxicity as desired traits in women
Women often crave emotional toxicity and alpha indifference in men. When a man invests deeply in a woman, caring and building attachment, she tends to lose desire and may even despise him. This pattern holds true across different individuals. By using alpha indifference to his advantage, a man can gain the upper hand in relationships. Women are often bored and are attracted to men who bring tension, chaos, and potential toxicity to interactions. The common belief that self-improvement or materialistic traits make a man an alpha is a misconception. True alpha strength lies in internal confidence, where a man's internal traits like charisma and personality stimulate a woman's emotions and lead to love.
The importance of unpredictability and emotional detachment
To attract women, it is crucial to curate a level of unpredictability. This involves maintaining unpredictability in text messages, call patterns, and scheduling. By doing so, a man creates sexual loyalty and desire in women. Additionally, emotional detachment is key. Men should demonstrate indifference and not get attached to anyone, including women. Women become attached when they see that they are not the man's main source of pleasure and he is fully self-sufficient. Being present in the moment and avoiding future-pacing relationships also contributes to emotional detachment and attraction.
Women's preference for emotional engagement and the downsides of masculine traits
Women are driven by their emotions and choose men who lead their emotions over those who are a better fit on paper. Traits like diligence, dedication, and routine, which are often associated with success, can be boring and anti-seductive to women. Women fall in love through emotional engagement, temporary pleasure, and feelings of inadequacy. Tension and emotional toxicity also build sexual chemistry. Men need to understand that the corporate hustle version of success, focused on money and physical attributes, does not necessarily attract women.