Post-operative pain is a challenging topic most surgeons would prefer not to have to think about, and post-inguinal hernia repair pain can be a particular pain in the…groin. Drs. Mike Weykamp, Andrew Wright, and Nick Cetrulo from the University of Washington provide a framework for approaching these challenging patients to help clarify when and how to best evaluate post-inguinal hernia repair pain and identify the patients who might benefit from surgical intervention.
Referenced Articles and Videos:
1. D Chen. Mapping for inguinal chronic pain: An approach that all surgeons can do. Your Session: Abdominal Wall Hernia - Provocative Questions in the Practice of Hernia Repair held during the 2017 SAGES Annual Meeting in Houston, TX
2. J Lange, R Kaufmann, A Wijsmuller, J Pierie, R Ploeg, P Amid. An international consensus algorithm for management of chronic postoperative inguinal pain. Hernia 2015.
3. P Amid. Radiologic Images of Meshoma A New Phenomenon Causing Chronic Pain After Prosthetic Repair of Abdominal Wall Hernias. JAMA Surgery 2004.
4. McCormack K, Scott NW, Go PM, Ross S, Grant AM; EU Hernia Trialists Collaboration. Laparoscopic techniques versus open techniques for inguinal hernia repair. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
5. Campanelli G, Pascual MH, Hoeferlin A, Rosenberg J, Champault G, Kingsnorth A, Miserez M. Randomized, controlled, blinded trial of Tisseel/Tissucol for mesh fixation in patients undergoing Lichtenstein technique for primary inguinal hernia repair: results of the TIMELI trial. Ann Surg. 2012
6. Jeroukhimov I, Wiser I, Karasic E, Nesterenko V, Poluksht N, Lavy R, Halevy A. Reduced postoperative chronic pain after tension-free inguinal hernia repair using absorbable sutures: a single-blind randomized clinical trial. J Am Coll Surg. 2014.
7. Novik B, Nordin P, Skullman S, Dalenbäck J, Enochsson L. More Recurrences After Hernia Mesh Fixation With Short-term Absorbable Sutures: A Registry Study of 82 015 Lichtenstein Repairs. Arch Surg
. 2011.
8. Barazanchi AW, Fagan PV, Smith BB, Hill AG. Routine Neurectomy of Inguinal Nerves During Open Onlay Mesh Hernia Repair: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials. Ann Surg. 2016.
9. Bakker WJ, Aufenacker TJ, Boschman JS, Burgmans JPJ. Lightweight mesh is recommended in open inguinal (Lichtenstein) hernia repair: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Surgery. 2020.
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