In the upcoming season of Invisibilia, they will explore stories of creative solutions to desperate problems. One chapter introduces Joy, whose husband emits a strange smell that leads to a horrifying attack.
This season of Invisibilia focuses on inventors who come up with improbable workarounds in desperate times.
The upcoming season explores stories of people finding unconventional solutions to societal problems, including targeting powerful individuals and discussing race.
Deep dives
The Unexplained Smell
A woman notices a strange smell coming from her husband, which grows over time and eventually leads to him attacking her.
Improbable Workarounds
The upcoming season of NPR's Invisibelia explores stories of people finding unconventional solutions to societal problems, including targeting the most powerful person in the world and navigating difficult conversations about race.
A Troubled Future and Improbable Workarounds - Season 6 Trailer
You hear the train barreling towards you and you're tied to the tracks. It's an impossible situation. Most people would panic, and then a tiny handful would think up improbable workarounds. This season on Invisibilia: inventors in desperate times.