Tom, an expert on outreach and evangelism, explores the balance between evangelism and imposing moral beliefs. He discusses strategies for evangelizing without aggression, engaging with the morals of wider society, bridging Christian values with human values, and finding the right balance in evangelism. The chapter also explores the challenges and personal experiences of evangelism and the importance of living out one's faith through actions.
In order to influence society and provoke questions about our beliefs, Christians should build bridges between Christian values and human values and engage with wider society in a gracious and gentle spirit.
While personal evangelism is important, fulfilling the Great Commission involves prayerfully loving neighbors, bringing God's love to local issues, and living in a radically different way that reflects God's kingdom.
Deep dives
Engaging with the Morals of Wider Society
As Christians, we seek to change things for the better and show a different way to be human. By living out our faith in a way that resonates with what many people know to be a good way to live, we can influence society and provoke questions about our beliefs. It's important to build bridges between Christian values and human values so that we can engage with wider society in a gracious and gentle spirit.
Balancing Evangelism and Personal Approach
Sharing the gospel can be a sensitive balance. While Christians shouldn't shy away from talking about Jesus, not everyone is called to be an explicit verbal evangelist. The expectation that every Christian should directly evangelize can be overwhelming. The New Testament teaches that our lives should provoke questions, and we should be ready to explain the hope we have in a gracious and gentle manner. It's important to rebuild bridges between Christian values and human values to avoid imposing beliefs and to reflect the genuine humanity found in following Jesus.
The Great Commission and Individual Responsibility
The Great Commission is a commission for the whole Church, not just for individual Christians. While personal evangelism is important, it is not the only way to fulfill the Great Commission. The authority of Jesus extends over both heaven and earth, and his kingdom is meant to transform the world through the lives of his followers. Christians should focus on prayerfully loving their neighbors, being known for bringing God's love to bear on local issues, and seeking opportunities to live in a radically different way that reflects God's kingdom. Each individual should prayerfully discern how they can contribute, knowing that not everyone is called to be an explicit evangelist.
How far should Christians seek to impose their moral beliefs on a secular society? How do I evangelise without being a 'Bible Basher'? I've been made to feel guilty about evangelism - so how do we fulfill the great commission? Tom answers practical questions on outreach and evangelism.