Sarah Sherman, a quirky comedian and SNL cast member, joins Ben O'Brien, creative director at Stavvy Baby Enterprises, for a hilarious chat. They reminisce about Sarah's awkward career as a child Christmas model and her unique bat mitzvah. The duo gets candid about their odd toilet experiences while living together and dives into the complexities of familial love triangles. Listeners also hear witty reflections on body image and childhood dreams, showcasing the deep bonds formed through shared laughter.
Sarah Sherman and Ben O'Brien share humorous anecdotes about their past living situations and collaborative creative efforts during the pandemic.
The importance of personal growth and performance is highlighted through Sarah's journey and audition experiences with Saturday Night Live.
Their conversation reflects on the absurdity of social dynamics and how humor serves as a coping mechanism for interpersonal awkwardness.
They discuss the complexities of relationships and the significance of communication and boundaries, especially during emotional times like the holidays.
Deep dives
Tour Announcement
Tickets are now available for the Dreamboat Tour featuring the host and Neldus as they travel across the West Coast, Midwest, and South, with plans to add East Coast dates later. The host is excited about the new hour of material that audiences have not seen on Netflix or YouTube. This tour represents a return to live performances, and the host invites fans to get tickets at, promising a fresh and engaging show.
Comedy Friends Reunion
During the episode, the host is joined by Benny Butcheeks and Sarah Sherman, who share humorous anecdotes from their past interactions. Sarah reflects on her early experiences with the host, revealing how they once lived in the same space during the pandemic, which led to creative collaborations and camaraderie. They reminisce about their shared history and the dynamics of their friendship while jokingly teasing each other about their comedic roles.
Threshold of Performance
The conversation touches on the importance of performance and personal growth, particularly regarding Sarah's audition for Saturday Night Live (SNL). Amid jokes about her unique comedic style, her friends express both surprise and pride in her achievements, showcasing the supportive environment surrounding their friendship. This moment highlights how creative spaces can foster personal development and elevate one’s career in the entertainment industry.
Deciding on Humor
The group dives into discussions about their physical appearances and how it affects their public personas, especially in comedic contexts. They explore the absurdity of dressing in exaggerated or unconventional outfits as part of their comedic identity. Throughout this banter, they demonstrate the importance of humor in breaking down insecurities while engaging in light-hearted self-deprecation.
Riffing on Personal Quirks
With a blend of humor and honesty, the hosts riff about their personal quirks and social interactions, noting how they handle discomfort in conversations. They discuss the absurdity of navigating social dynamics, especially during social gatherings or events, often filled with small talk. This light-hearted approach illustrates how comedy can serve as a coping mechanism for interpersonal awkwardness.
The Role of Therapy
Amidst laughter, the group lightly touches on the value of therapy and how it relates to personal growth and managing emotional struggles. They discuss how sharing experiences can create connections and help process difficult feelings, especially regarding personal conflicts and mental challenges. The conversation underscores the importance of seeking help and support in a way that is both meaningful and productive.
Engagement Nuances
The group shifts to discussing the intricacies of relationships, especially regarding proposals and engagements. They share perspectives on how social dynamics change after such significant life events and how friends can still navigate through envy or discomfort. The humor arises from contrasting their experiences, illustrating how different personalities approach similar situations.
Navigating Holidays
Towards the end of the episode, the topic shifts to the complexities of socializing during the holiday season, especially for those dealing with personal loss. The group emphasizes the importance of communication and setting boundaries in relationships, particularly when navigating emotional states. The advice shared serves as a reminder of the balance needed between personal experiences and being supportive to loved ones.
Sarah Sherman and Stavvy Baby Enterprises consigliere Ben “Mr. Cheeks” O’Brien return to the pod to discuss Sarah’s April Fools Day bat mitzvah, her failed career as a child Christmas model, Ben and Sarah’s toilet situation in their former shared studio, fun facts about Sarah’s SNL costars, waking up with bloody scratches all over your legs, and much more. Sarah, Ben and Stav help callers including a man who’s wondering if he should tell his brother that his sister-in-law confessed feelings for him, and a guy whose buddy stole his engagement thunder.