Ahmed Mawas, an actor known for his roles in Human Resources and Rescuing Christmas, plays a king in this tale from Persia. A candlemaker entrusts his life savings to the judge, only to find out they have been stolen. The king steps in, disguised as a stranger, to help the candlemaker. The king uncovers a previous cheating incident involving the judge through a talented tailor. Listeners are encouraged to engage with the Circle-Round community.
The power of observation and clever tactics can expose deceit and reveal the truth.
Trusting the right person can lead to justice being served and wrongs being righted.
Deep dives
The Candlemaker's Dilemma
A candlemaker prepares to leave for his brother's wedding but worries about the safety of his life savings, so he entrusts them to the judge, sealing the sack with wax. When he returns, he finds his silver coins replaced with copper. He confronts the judge, who denies any wrongdoing.
The King's Plan
The candlemaker shares his story with a stranger who happens to be the king in disguise. The king offers to help and takes the leather sack to the palace. He then cuts a slit in the silk cushion of his throne and places the sack under it.
Exposing the Judge
The king summons the judge and shows her the torn silk cushion. He presents the sack to the judge, who recognizes it as the one she brought to the tailor for repairs. The judge admits her deceit, and the king has her return the silver coins to the candlemaker.