Kip Motta is a principal in Rich Utah.
- You have to deal with people.
- Everything is about relationships.
- Doing what’s best for the team.
- Everyone is different, and you need to adapt your leadership to that person.
- A history of four-day school weeks.
- Change based on school district transportation costs.
- Waiver to reduce day requirement (152 vs 182) and still meet 990 hour requirement (now meet over 1000 hours)
- Start school at 8 am, out at 3:30.
- Parent teacher conferences count as
- Very few breaks - Labor Day, thanksgiving, Christmas for 1 week.
- Student and staff attendance increased.
- Ask staff and community to do personal appointments on Fridays
- 4 day school week is much more difficult for elementary school.
- Helped us go down the road of standards-based instruction.
- Struggles with 4 day school week
- Finding coaches is difficult
- Daycare for Friday’s with no school.
- You have to do everything through the lens of what is best for the most children.
- Kids are more recharged after a 3-day weekend every week!
- March and April can be long months with no break.
- Restorative practices, mindfulness to help kids cope with added pressure.
- How to be a transformative principal? Find someplace to go and learn!
- Contact
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Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!
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