Analyzing the mission of Moses, the burning bush encounter, and its connection to an earlier mission. Comparing language and verbs in the stories of Moses and Joseph. Exploring the parallel missions of Joseph and Moses, highlighting the importance of unity and reconciliation. Reflecting on the power of unity and its ability to bring miracles.
Moses' true mission was not just to free the Israelites from slavery, but also to bring unity among the tribes and reunite his own family.
The power of external threats can foster unity among a nation, but finding a recipe for unity without external threats is the real challenge.
Deep dives
The Unique Language in Moshe's Mission
Moshe's mission to free the Israelites is introduced with the unusual language of 'go and I will send you.' This language is also found in the story of Yosef, implying a connection between their missions. Both stories involve going to reunite with estranged brothers and resolve the consequences of their missions. Moshe's mission not only aims to free the Israelites from slavery, but also to bring unity among the tribes and reunite his own family.
Yosef's Mission and Unity
Yosef's mission was originally meant to bring peace and unity among his brothers, but it turned into slavery in Egypt. Moshe's mission, on the other hand, is to reverse the effects of Yosef's mission and reunite the Israelites. The parallels in language and events suggest that Moshe's charge from God is not just about freeing the Israelites, but also about uniting them and reconciling with his brother Aaron. The prerequisites for Moshe's mission include reuniting with Aaron and gathering the elders of Israel.
Unity Through External Threats
The episodes of Yosef and Moshe highlight the power of external threats in fostering unity among the Israelites. When faced with an external enemy like Pharaoh, the Israelites automatically bond together. The same phenomenon is observed in history, where external threats have often brought about a sense of unity. However, the challenge is to find a recipe for unity that does not require external threats. Remembering the Exodus and tapping into the unifying force can help to maintain unity and bring about miraculous experiences for the Israelites.
In Parshat Shemot, we read the story of the burning bush, where Moses was charged with a mission. We are often taught that Moses’ job was to take the Israelites out of Egypt, but a close read of the text suggests that there is actually something else Moses also had to do.
Join Ari Levisohn and Evan Weiner as they dive into Moses' encounter with the burning bush and discover allusions to an earlier mission in the Bible, one which sheds light on Moses’ true mission and what it means for a nation under attack.
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