Learn how Brian Luebben ditched his corporate job for remote work, built a rental property portfolio, and embraced 'passionate income' over passive income. Discover the 3 stages of wealth building, goal-setting frameworks, and strategies for making money online doing what you love. Explore the power of surrender, setting clear goals, strategic networking, and transitioning from passive income to time freedom in this insightful episode.
Value provision accelerates financial growth and fosters a mindset of helping others.
Exploration of passion beyond financial milestones prompts career change and real estate investment.
Phased approach to financial freedom involves survival, stability, and thriving using passive income strategies.
Community support and shared experiences empower personal and professional growth beyond online courses.
Deep dives
Shift in Mindset towards Value-Creation
Shifting focus from seeking wealth to creating value for others accelerates financial growth by enhancing worthiness and attracting abundance. Emphasizing value provision over money-making not only expedites income growth but also fosters a mindset shift towards helping others at scale, leading to personal and financial growth.
Identifying Career Dissatisfaction and Pursuit of Fulfillment
After achieving remarkable success in corporate sales, the realization of inherent dissatisfaction and limited long-term fulfillment prompts introspection. Escaping the traditional corporate trajectory and societal expectations, the exploration of real estate investment and podcasting unveils a desire for genuine passion and purpose beyond financial milestones.
Transition from Financial Security to Entrepreneurial Pursuits
Transitioning from a lucrative corporate role to entrepreneurship highlights the notion of evaluating life's journey towards financial freedom. By harnessing passive income strategies, such as house hacking and real estate investments, the journey embodies a phased approach of securing survival, reaching stability, and ultimately thriving financially.
The Power of Community and Mentorship in Achieving Success
Utilizing the strength of community support and mentorship, the realization emerges that success isn't solitary but a collective effort. Transitioning from online courses to community-driven initiatives demonstrates the essential role of accountability, empathy, and shared experiences in empowering individuals towards personal and professional growth.
Embrace Nature's Path: Finding Peace and Happiness
Rolling with the flow of life, as nature figures itself out, leads to a happier journey. This perspective emphasizes being in tune with one's path and finding peace in acceptance.
Self-Discovery: Navigating Life's Seasons
Embarking on periods of navigation and acceleration allows for personal growth and direction. Slowing down to define one's journey prevents getting lost on life's highway without an endpoint.
Finding Clarity in Struggle and Diversity
Struggle and diversity are essential for growth, preventing emotional numbness and fostering appreciation. Embracing diverse experiences, whether in travel or challenges, enriches life.
Building Valuable Connections: Attracting Mentors
Engagement and problem-solving can pave the way to attracting mentors. Offering specific assistance and being proactive in interactions can establish valuable connections for growth.
Brian Luebben is a real estate investor who quit his 6-figure job to travel the world and work for himself remotely. He teaches others how to do the same in his community, the Action Academy, and hosts a podcast by the same name.
In this episode, Brian talks about ditching his corporate sales career, building rental property cash flow, and realizing “passionate” income trumps passive income. Plus, he outlines a specific, step-by-step roadmap to make life-changing money online doing what you love.
Brian also talks about: - Why you should look at your “boss’s boss” life and ask if it’s what you really want - How he built a rental property portfolio while he still had his job - Walking into his boss’s office and quitting - The 3 stages of wealth building: “Survive, Arrive, Thrive” - What “passionate income” is and how to get it - Getting what you want using your Reticular Activating System (RAS) - Goal-setting frameworks using ChatGPT - How documenting your journey on social media attracts the right people into your life - The concept of “remote scalable income” - Building a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) to make cash online - The death of online courses?
Book: From Passive To Passionate: How To Quit Your Job - Grow Your Wealth & Turn Your Passions Into Profits by Brian Luebben https://passivetopassionate.com/
Brian’s charitable cause (100% of ad revenue goes here): - St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a leading medical treatment facility for children suffering from cancer and other life-threatening diseases https://www.stjude.org/
Show Sponsor: - The BetterLife REI Summit May 3-5 in Denver, CO. The most actionable “how to” real estate event for new and experienced investors. Grab your tickets here: https://reisummit2024.com/