In this exciting new season, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, a celebrated actress and comedian, invites her 90-year-old mother, Judith, to share her invaluable life lessons. Judith offers unique insights drawn from her rich experiences, exploring themes of resilience, bold living, and the importance of standing up for what matters. Their heartfelt conversations promise laughter, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of life's journey. Tune in for delightful stories that bridge generations!
The podcast highlights the essential life lessons and bold living experiences shared by trailblazing women, emphasizing the importance of authenticity.
Julia's conversations with her 90-year-old mother foster a personal connection, showcasing the wisdom found in family relationships across generations.
Deep dives
Wisdom from Legendary Women
The podcast emphasizes the valuable life lessons shared by older women, showcasing their experiences and insights. These stories highlight the importance of living unapologetically and prioritizing what truly matters in life. Each episode features narratives that offer listeners a chance to learn from mistakes, successes, and the rich histories of these incredible women. The series not only celebrates their wisdom but also encourages a deeper appreciation for the lessons that come with age.
The Role of Family
A significant aspect of the podcast involves conversations with Julia Louis-Dreyfus's 90-year-old mother, Judy, who serves as a vital perspective in the discussions. This family dynamic adds a personal touch, bridging generational gaps while sharing intimate stories and wisdom. Through these interactions, listeners gain insights into the nuances of family relationships and the shared experiences that shape lives. Judy's involvement reinforces the concept that wisdom can be found within the family, providing a relatable connection for the audience.
This fall, Julia Louis-Dreyfus returns with Season 3 of Wiser Than Me! Tune in for fresh conversations with trailblazing women who’ve been there, done that, and have the wisdom to prove it. Each new episode dives into life lessons and stories about living boldly and standing up for what really matters. Also, each episode ends in an unmissable chat between Julia and her 90-year-old mom, Judith. Premiering October 9th, from Lemonada Media.