Paranormal expert John Ruggiero explores the haunted Sterling Hill Mines in New Jersey, filled with ghostly activity. The hosts recount their investigation, including encountering a spirit burdened with grief. They discuss the mine's history, accidents, and strange phenomena experienced while exploring. The podcast also covers a recent charity event and expresses appreciation for convention attendees and the mining culture.
The Sterling Hill Mine in New Jersey is not only renowned for its rich mineral deposits, but also its haunting experiences with shadow figures, voices, and unexplained phenomena.
The New Jersey ParaUnity Expo is a major paranormal convention that aims to provide an affordable and grassroots paranormal experience while supporting charitable causes.
Deep dives
The history of the Sterling Hill Mine in New Jersey
The Sterling Hill Mine in New Jersey has a rich history dating back to the 1600s, with early Dutch settlers mining for copper and iron deposits. It was later acquired by William Alexander, who mined iron and believed there were rich mineral deposits in the ground. The Ogden family took over operations, mining zinc for brass during the War of 1812. The New Jersey Zinc Company improved working conditions for miners and produced millions of tons of ore, including zinc used in bullet and artillery shell production during World War II.
The haunted nature of the Sterling Hill Mine
The Sterling Hill Mine is renowned for its haunting experiences. Visitors and investigators have reported seeing shadow figures, hearing voices, footsteps, and machinery sounds, and feeling rushes of air. People who have worked at the mine have encountered unexplained phenomena, such as the feeling of being pushed, hearing growls, and experiencing strange mechanical sounds. Female visitors have often reported hearing growling and feeling a different kind of interaction than males. The presence of ghosts and their active engagement with visitors make the mine an eerie and chilling place to explore.
Exhibits and attractions at the Sterling Hill Mine Tour and Museum
In addition to its haunted reputation, the Sterling Hill Mine Tour and Museum offers educational exhibits and attractions. Visitors can explore the collection of fluorescent minerals that glow under black lights, including minerals not found anywhere else in the world. The museum also showcases the history of mining, the periodic table of elements, inventions by Thomas Edison, and various artifacts. Visitors can take guided walks through accessible parts of the mine, experiencing the unique atmosphere and observing remnants of mining operations.
The New Jersey ParaUnity Expo and future plans
The New Jersey ParaUnity Expo, organized by the founder of New Jersey Paranormal, is a major paranormal convention that attracts both enthusiasts and renowned ghost hunters. The annual event aims to provide an affordable and grassroots paranormal experience, featuring guest speakers, exhibits, and educational lectures. The convention received record attendance in its most recent edition and plans to continue growing in the future by adding more guests and exhibit rooms. The ultimate goal is to offer a paramount experience for attendees while supporting charitable causes.
35 miles of tunnels in New Jersey, which were once the Sterling Hill Mine, are among the richest in the world with fluorescent minerals. They're also filled with…ghosts. Special Guest: John Ruggiero
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